Get an accountant, even a sub contracting climber needs a good accountant.
How do you handle your tax reportings? You are reporting your income yes?
If you are a sub contracter, you will be paying taxes on your earned income. You do not recieve a paycheck with witholding taxes so when do you pay? do you prepare at the end of a year and then just pay whats due?
A good accountant can take care of everything for you. I meet my accountant every other month or so. He prepares all the returns and he manages other legal BS throughout the year.
Even doing business as a sub i could not imagine NOT having an accountant. I would fear of overlooking something or making a mistake which would draw attention to me asking for an audit.
If your looking to stay on the straighten arrow and run your business legitimatly you need a good accountant!!
i agree with you 100% Brian, the gov. has all kinds of hoops for small business persons to jump through in order to be legit.
Im just a simple tree guy, Im not an accountant or business major--just a tree guy.
i can tell you this though, I would be lost without an accountant.