How do they expect you to get a correct feel for a saddle without using it? You think hanging a rope from a rafter and swinging on gets you an appropriate idea of how the saddle will wear in a work enviroment? You don't buy a car without test driving it do you? How are supposed to buy a saddle with out doing the same? So some saw dust gets on it, it didn't get marked up, didn't pull any stitching out. If they (sherrill) are going to tell you "go ahead give it a shot if you don't like it send it back" what they heck do they think your going to go do with it? Try it on and look in the mirror say, "hey don't that looks swell" NO you need to work in a saddle to understand how it responds in different situations.
You think someone try's a saddle doesn't like it they go somewhere else with their business? No the supplier still makes a sale on whatever saddle the buyer desides on then. Costumer service is appriciated and people come back with their business when they find excellent costumer service.
Yeah if i was in the arborist supply business and you needed to try something to see how you like it, i would have "test" equipment set aside for exactly that purpose. You are looking to sell the saddle, you do what it takes to make the costumer happy. If someone asks to try a saddle uses it says they don't like it, take it back refund the money set the saddle aside in case anyone else wants to try it, let them know if they like the saddle send back the "test" and they will recieve a brand new one upon recieving the return. Then when a new model comes out sell the "test" saddle at a discounted price, they mark the saddles up so they really won't lose any money just break even on that one saddle, and in the process potentially sell more because guy's actually got to USE the saddle and found they really liked it!
Goes to show how little you know about satisfying a costumer.