Originally posted by Stumper
Bob, The above post illustrates why Brian, Nathan and others are irritated by you. What purpose is served by addressing us all in such a condescending manner? Even if we are all idiots ( a premise which I reject) can you not see that the path to educating us will be much less bumpy if you promote a dialogue based upon mutual respect rather than alienating your audience? If you do not respect us you could accomplish much more by faking it.
No , I do not espouse acting falsely. Despite the old saw about respect being earned I was taught that respect is to be granted freely, but withdrawn if the reciever clearly does not merit it. I keep trying to respect you for your knowledge but you aren't making it easy.
Whoops you posted again while I was typing. Much better! Yes I agree with you regarding the physics (even if I disagreed you would still be right-no slam intended-facts are facts). The upright branch is NOT a problem. A tight branch with included bark may be a problem.
I have pointed out so many times that I respect people and their opinions, that I get depressively irritated about saying it again. The phrase,"respecting opinions", translates into what when I say something in disagreement with long held ideas?The very attempt to say or think differently, brings instant protests.
I remember the groans of the kids in grammar school when I raised my hand to ask a question. Did they occur for you when you asked questions? I remember the face of the prof in cell biology when I asked a question in a room full of students who were scribbling furiously to catch what might be in the next test. The function of that room was not getting educted and understanding more--the game was to memorize what might be asked in a multiple choice quiz; nothing more. No time for questions; gotta keep to the schedules feeding hollow tests.
I hold those systems and calcifications in contempt; not the people. Those are separate issues. Did you read my stuff on Snap to Grid in the ISA forum? That says loosen up as well, and all the other things there are products of what I'm trying to learn--said aloud--for responses and comments
You flagged the tweaking quality of your post by using icons; that's fine; I understood.
I flagged my response the same way, using the original, "better to see... ", but I couldn't use any more avitars where I wanted because this forum limits icon counts. BTW, any "snottiness" in that post applies to me as well--we all have difficulty in accepting new ideas--and we show those difficulties in many ways.
You are not all idiots; why would I try to craft careful responses for that group? My post was really without rancor or ridicule to you as a person; every line is correct--for each and all of us. And, except in satires, please show me one post, one letter, one project in my lifetime where I was dishonest or manipulatve. They ain't there. But there's a lot of people who resent my insistences, my interferences, my stridencies, my keeping my questioning hand up far too longs, along with the understandable angers of having me succeed when they were sure I would fail.
That is not contemptuous, condesending, arrogant, pompous or devious. That's the world, rejection and mockery for speaking aloud, that I've lived in. And, in my old age, it occured to me, why should it continue? I am not the things I teach. The truth of my views have nothing to do with the package that spews them. If I died tomorrow, whatever value existed would still be present and verifiable.
I work in the arena of different, out of the mainstream considerations; I'm there voluntarily so I ought not to whine. Rotate any of us to the proper angle, and we are all thin-skinned. That's life.
I not only try to explain new ideas, I try to explain in a larger picture why they're difficult to teach. Perhaps "tree care" in the labels for forums here, means really using a chainsaw for most corrections, (healings), "care". If that's the unwritten expectation, I can't really squeeze in, can I?
Perhaps I am my own worst enemy, but undersatnd my reluctance to write as intructed by a hundred different viewers. I can't do it and you can't do it. And if we try, the orginal message gets subordinate to the postures of "politically correct" writing.
RockyJ's posts were innacurate: in reviewing my own posts, I didn't do much at all of what he claimed. Interestingly, those are the excuses now that he won't read my ideas of science and tree care. That's his business--whatever public excuses he wants to give for not reading my science. None of that as his reader's perogative, changes the facts of my perspectives.
I'll go back and edit the post that was proof of my disrespect. What individaul lines are offensive? How condescending is it really to say our collective feet are made of clay. I often refer to my feet as the clayiest of all.
I've tried to earn respect the old fashion way by by working hard, researching, and offering new contributions. How they're received is entirely a different matter.
I stand behind my passions. If I didn't, that would be profoundly disrespectful--to my readers and to the whatevers I might claim make me tick.
<i>The upright branch is NOT a problem. A tight branch with included bark may be a problem.</i>
You may agree the upright branch is not a problem; most everyone else takes it as a problem by dogma--loose it, it isn't as strong.
Included bark is an important issue, but not as the cliche' we have turned it into.
You did make me think about the differences in the statics and dynamics of a verticalized branch. Trees live in both worlds. Maybe we keep those items separate because the classes for each are held in different rooms?
I'll explain later where you made me think differently; reasons and process... Nothing consedcending, just evolutions of thought.
Bob Wulkowicz (sans crab)