A new 1.75x24in rod will cost about $50-$75. The hyd shop then has to thread the end to accept the piston nut and the other end for a clevis or weld the clevis on. Seals about $30 or so. The cost in rebuilding the cyl is in the labor, not the parts. I paid $150 to replace the rod on my old fel. Dealer price was $700 for a new cyl. For a universal fit replacment cyl, bargains can be had if one looks, Specialty cyl, it is a whole new other matter. Its a special fit cyl and the dealer knows it and you cant just replace it with off the shelf parts. A hyd shp can tell a universal cyl from a speciaty cyl also, they know what replacement cost is new and I feel they adjust repair cost to reflect the price difference between ordinary and specialty. I know I had a electric motor repair shop adjusted his prices on a electric motor I needed rebuilt. He even made the comment that it would be a very high dollar motor to replace if I bought a new one. His rebuild price was half the cost of new. He used off the shelve parts to fix it. Kind of makes you want to choke the stink out of someone, but if you need it, you need it, so what do you do other than payup.