Thanks for the positive comments, Frank. The slide is also self-lubricating. As I have stated before (twice actually) the roller chain is #60. There are a couple of reasons for this: It is readily available to me at low cost. If I were to use #80 the smallest sprocket I could use would make the larger sprocket quite large and expensive. ( and probably unnecessary) I am sure there will be times when I'll run into something that will stall the machine, however I am willing to bet that the Drive Belt will slip before a #60 chain will break. The real test of the chain will be it's shock load, that's what I am curious about. As far as "foot pounds" of energy, I assume you want a torque number, and to be honest, I don't know. And to be really honest I am not sure it would really tell me anything, because I don't know how much torque I "need." Also, That number would only be relative to a "freewheeling" flywheel that wasn't being driven ( except for a "static" system, then the numbers would mean the same thing). To actually decipher the "power" of the system involves the kind of mathematics that I don't care to do, and I don't believe in the reliability of( too many variables.) The real proof is in the real world performance. From what I can tell so far, by how much the engine works to "spool up" the flywheels, I do this s-l-o-w-l-y- or it will just about kill the engine, I have some pretty good energy stored in the wheels.