Logging & CCW?

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I carry occasionally while checking my fences. If the Armadillos are bad, I'll take a .410 single shot. I killed 14 one morning. They may be harmless, but they sure scare the ####ens out of ya. Once a couple of hunters were on the place. They didn't know I'd already seen them both. When I approached one, the other hid. Kinda weird feeling that was.

Armadillos are not completely harmless as some carry leprosy. Ron
We don't have any big enough game to worry about around here. Coyotes are too skiddish, although they're getting brave.

What we DO have to worry about though, is stumbling across someone tending their patch of marijuana, or even worse, people making Meth in the woods. Those folks are downright crazy, especially when they're hyped up on Meth and no sleep. Seems a few Meth labs are busted each week here in the towns, so people have resorted to doing it under the cover of the outdoors.

I carry a beatup AK47 in my truck when I'm in the woods and a 1911 .45 on my person while on foot.
I carry in the woods, because I carry everywhere. It's like my wallet, just part of my daily gear.

Critters don't bother me, but some of the weird people I've run into in the middle of nowhere do a bit.
when im in heavily snake infesed timber i carry a ruger single six with rat shot. during turkey season theres a turkey gun near by and during deer season ive been photoed falling timber with a 30-30 across my back. never know when a deer may attack lol
Excerpt from the employee's manual for a big timber company down here..."There will be no animals, dead or alive, allowed in company vehicles".

Known Troopers here to load a fresh road kill into the backseat of their cruiser, hoping they can slide over to their home to hang it before the sun comes up or the Sergeant comes out. (And CSP don't use prisoner cages, they transport prisoners in the front passenger seat, so you need to vacuum the fur off the upholstery...)

To date, however, I know of no maple syrup chugging contests.
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When moving logs before, I came across a 3+ ft copperhead and a little smaller one.
Then not long after, got 11 rattles off a snake. Man, was he pissed.
I'm lookin' fer a 22to shoot snake charmers. Diggin' under logs with a choker, no tellin' what you'll find
You know sometimes one needs to make sure the saw will not be a bother any longer.

Be glad he was satisified with killing the saw.
You know sometimes one needs to make sure the saw will not be a bother any longer.

Be glad he was satisified with killing the saw.

Yup. I wanted to ask why he shot it but I was just a kid and kids didn't ask questions like that.
LOL...I've had a couple of saws over the years that I would have shot if I'd had a gun handy.
I carry a 385. Cal. HUSKY with a 24 inch bar and 3/8 teeth. I am not sure about any of you guys but would you really want to mess with a angry old guy swinging a chainsaw looking for a great story to tell his logging buddies about around the next campfire... " Go A Head, Make MY Day Punk " :msp_biggrin::msp_biggrin:
When I was a faller I never carried a gun in the woods. I had enough crap to tote around without carrying something I wasn't going to use.
Had a muzzle loader hunter run me off with a shot to a stump once. I guess he figured I wasn't doing his hunt much good. If the dumb bastard would have looked around he would have seen Bambi brousing on the trees I had dropped.
I don't get the chance to do much cutting lately, but I get to do a lot of GPSing. We've got a lion that isn't bashfull about making her presence known, so if I thought about it I'd strap on a .357 before walking the boundries. Never saw her while I was packin', only when I was unarmed.

Go right ahead. Just don't expect me to hire you. I don't hire people who expect to carry a gun while working or people who want to drink during the workday.

I wouldnt want to work for you anyways. I have my own company

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Don't see a connection...

Yeah, I'm having a tuff time making the connection between people who want to legally carry a heater at work and people who want to get ####ed up at work :confused:
that's not even apples to oranges that's more like apples to ringtalied lemurs
Don't see a connection...

Ok sorry my statement isn't very clear is it? There are many actions that while legal are not acceptable at work. Here in California there are many many people who have a medical marijuana card. At our high schools it is perfectly acceptable for a student to smoke dope and sit through class stoned provided they have a card. Students just walk off the campus a few feet and light up a joint. The school administrators can do nothing. However if they smoke tobacco they can be expelled.

Would you expect me to hire someone to run a saw or a chipper who is stoned during the workday? Regardless of whether their actions were legal or not I will not hire someone I know is stoned during the workday?

The same goes for carrying a gun at work. (Note: I am a gun owner, hunter, and 20 year life member of the NRA. I have been an NRA member since 1964. I am also a firm believer in CCW laws while on personal time.) While it may be legal (in your state) to carry I would never allow an employee to CCW during the workday. Keep a gun legally in the truck...sure. Carry during the day...no way. Good luck convincing your workers' comp carrier to accept CCW.

As far as drinkig alcohol during the workday, I would fire any employee who did. And I have.

A few other thoughts. I am a supporter of giving ex-offenders a second chance. I have worked with many ex-offenders through Labor Ready, a hiring service who helps people find (mostly low paying) jobs. Around here most x-cons have been encarcerated on drug or alcohol related charges but I have worked with car thieves, burglars, and even murderers. In fact I worked with a triple murderer last summer. I am also a firm believer that everyone has to play by the same rules. If work starts at 08:00 then I demand that you show up ready to work at 08:00. Coffee and donuts while the equipment is being fueled or greased is fine, but don't think you can show up at 08:00 and the start eating breakfast. I have not fired anyone for that but I have given several guys a last warning. Coffee/tea/water breaks during the day... take one when ever you need to. If you leave the jobsite for lunch be back ready to work in half an hour or your pay will be docked and you will likely fired if this continues. If you have to stay 5 minutes after quiting time to work on equipment then you will get paid for your time. If you have to use your own car to run to town to buy parts the you get paid for gas and wear and tear. All safety equipment except boots are provided and if I tell you to wear saftey gear and you don't, well guess what you will be fired.

As an employee when it comes to the workday life is pretty much black or white regarding rules. I try to use common sense and I ask for input. I don't want yes men. I would much rather be told in no uncertain terms that I am doing something wrong. But don't try to bend the rules. No guns, no booze, no drugs. And no talking on the cell phone while you are working.

BTW if you are an employer medical marijuana users are a huge issue. The cards are sold by "doctors" and business is good. Stoned employees and chain saws don't mix.
Here in California.

Ahhh, I understand now. Here in Wisconsin, CCW is legal, smoking dope is illegal, and we like to drink beer (not at work, most of the time).

Hope none of the con crew experience any recidivism while working for you, especially the triple murderer, while you are unarmed.

All the best.