logging opportunity

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:drinkingcoffee:Hork, spit, Farmer Logger. Hork, spit. We need a Farmer Logger emoticon.

Yup, better worry. I'll steal your "logging". My sidekick, Ben, will underbid you and we'll cut corners on the cleanup work. He'll do debarking and the logs will be worth more. That way, we might be able to afford the gas to drive home. Be scared. Be ascared. :eek:
man you guys are tough...I keep saying Im not posting, but keep coming back..

Why? At first your posts were entertaining...in a weird sort of way. Then they became irritating. Now they're just depressing and sad. A little insulting, too.
Do us all a favor and run your shuck some place else. Nobody here is falling for it.
Not a bad looking pile of limbs. Where are the logs.

You need to get over here more often and quit hanging out in Chainsaw reading the "I have a new 661 but I can't bear to cut any wood with it 'cuz it's so pretty and new and everything I've ever wanted in my whole life so I just stare at it and start *******" threads.

Thanks for making me spit my coffee all over my keyboard laughing out loud :baaa:
You're welcome. Was I right about the 661 crew? Put the keyboard cleanup on my account. I'll settle up on payday.
I have talked to a few fallers ,they will not buy them because of the coil springs and self adjusting carbs,what is your thoughts on this ?Do you like the springs ?
I have talked to a few fallers ,they will not buy them because of the coil springs and self adjusting carbs,what is your thoughts on this ?Do you like the springs ?

They're okay, they're just different. The saw has a "softer" feel to it than the 660. You could always get a lot of feel/feedback through the 660 because of the tighter suspension. Nibbling on the last of a hinge, trying to leave a little taper on the hinge, or blind bucking on an off side you could always tell what the 660 was doing. The 661, not so much. With the softer AV you don't get the same message from the saw. That's the only way I know how to describe it.

The 661 doesn't have the vibration level of the 660 but it's not as much difference as a lot of the cookie cutters think it is. At the end of a long day it's still been a long day.

The carb hasn't been a major issue. At high elevations it seemed a little slow to tune on the first start of the day but just by a few seconds. It might also have been me expecting too much from the saw. No problem running in the rain or in the heat. It adjusts well for density altitude as the the day progresses.

We had some impromptu and very unofficial saw races when we had a chance. The 661, stock, was noticeably faster than a stock 660 and considerably faster than a stock 390 Husky. All the saws had 36" bars and JGX. The 660 and the 390 were almost new, first season saws. We all got about the same amount of wood on the ground every day.

I was thinking that where a 661 would really shine would be on the landing. If several different guys were running it...and some of them being green...you wouldn't have to worry so much about somebody lean-burning it.

The 661 is stronger than the 660 and a little nicer to run. I don't know if it's enough stronger and nicer to warrant buying one if you didn't really need to. Personal choice. I like the 661 myself but some guys won't. Some guys wouldn't like it if it served them coffee in bed, drove the crummy to work, and made them a sandwich for lunch.

Some of the guys around here bought up extra 660s...and got good deals on them...so they wouldn't have to depend on the 661. One guy I know personally bought five. He's not a fan of new technology and I remember him doing the same thing with 064s when they were discontinued. :rolleyes:
lol, i can relate to that guy..........i'm surprised you don't mind the springs. i tryed a 441 and hated the feel of it, swore it was tore up. springs are one of the main reasons i didn't like the 300 series huskys........every one different i guess.
i am skeptical of the auto tune, i fear a lean tune by malfunction.............
Great review Bob. I'm amazed the rubber mount saws don't drive your carpal tunnel nuts. A 460 or my pole saw will have my hands buzzing all night. It is also entirely possible that you are much tougher than me.