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Keep the pics coming!

Firewood in Germany is mostly cut in meter length (Meterholz)for drying. Much easier to stack, I guess. When dry, they use the circular firewood saw or chainsaw to cut it to woodstove size.
Great pictures .Thank-you Martin. Looks a great part of the world.
Hope the New Year is good for you ,your dad an family.
Do you recommend the Dolmar 79 for limbing an bucking ? Does it outdo the 361 by much ? How much differance in weight between 7900 and the 361 ?
Just curious.The road is paved and you have cut wood lying on it,is it some kind of public road?
Those are farm land access roads and biking/walking trails as well. Pretty much every road/path/trail is paved in Germany, we would use them to avoid Stau's or traffic jams (100-500 vehicles ) on the Autobahn. You would not believe how smooth they are either and clean. I can bet that these guys cutting wood will leave the road/trail in better condition than when they arrived to cut wood. Its all pride ( and a huge fine if caught leaving bits of wood etc... on it. Great pictures, love to see Germany country-side.