*logging show on TV*

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ArboristSite Operative
Jun 11, 2005
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hey guys..there is a logging tech show on the History Channel right now...7:00PM eastern time
Newfie said:
a repeat of a repeat of a repeat of a repeat of a repeat.....
sorry about that, it was the first time i saw it and thought i would give a "heads-up"
Does anyone know if it will be shown again? I missed it and would like to see it.

Next showing I can find is on Wed. Jan. 25 at 9:00p.m. central time. Just go to historychannel.com and hunt through their TV schedules. I've heard some channel showed a history of Stihl chainsaws. I'd love to catch this, but no luck yet.

So a question for you guys that were able to watch the show...what types of chainsaws were shown? Did they show logging right through to 2000? If they did I'm sure that many brands of saws may have made the footage, but its the earlier years of saws (40's through 60's) that I'd be more interested to know what was portrayed on that program.
I've seen the logging tech Modern Marvels. It's pretty good. Not as much chainsaw footage as I would have liked, but a very much worthwhile watch nonetheless. They also have a half hour show about tools or something, and there was a chainsaw episode. Also pretty good. It's very simple, really for noobs, but it was pretty accurate and kept my attention for the half hour.

Between the shows on guns, chainsaws and Alaska, the History Channel rocks!!!:blob2:

I caught it last night. Had seen it before. Enjoyed the the whole thing again especially the 'old time' techniques. Put my time in on one end of a two man misery stick (cross cut) with the old man yelling "quite riding the saw" every two strokes when I was a kid. The thought of being on one end of a 20' long crosscut makes some personal property really shrivel up.

Harry K
lesorubcheek said:

Next showing I can find is on Wed. Jan. 25 at 9:00p.m. central time. Just go to historychannel.com and hunt through their TV schedules. I've heard some channel showed a history of Stihl chainsaws. I'd love to catch this, but no luck yet.


Thanks Dan
I made a note so I won't forget
Newfie said:
no need to be sorry dude, your heart was in the right place, I'm just being a jerk.:D
LOL, no prob and you're not a jerk....i didn't know it was on several times before, but glad i happened to see it last night.
those guys that pulled that 22ft. two-man saw must have had arms like Popeye!!