lookin to get started

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cphily21 said:
I am looking to get started in the business. I have 100,000 cash to invest and need all the help and pointers you can offer. I have taken classes on tree climbing, chain saw safety and have read many books on trees. I have always been interested in the business but never have the opportunity to get started now I have the money and am thinking about giving it a shot what do I spend my money on?? I am located in a Philadelphia suburb. And need advice on every thing from what equipment to just how to get my business started and how to make it successful

Hi cphily21, what is your relationship to chriswright?

cphily21 said:
how did you find the people you are working for now did u just open the yellow pages and start calling people and if so what was your approch
people are hard to find, i am with tree co, what do you know about the biz, why are u interested, what kind of sales were you in etc etc
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Try a different angle

If your background is in sales....go with that. Start an agency or contract the work out. I'm sure the guys that already have the experience and equipment would love to get the work, and then you keep your $100,000 and a little off the top from each job. Spending your money is the LAST thing you want to do. Instead of making shopping lists, spend the time finding where you can get the greatest return on your investment without dumping it all at once. Getting involved in a business that is also partly your hobby is great, but its easy to get in to deep- trust me. Between firework stores, gun shop and now a cigar store....its hard to break even when you are your own best customer. Keep it level headed and buy the toys only when you need them. If you know a guy who has a truck, use him -chances are that he could really use the break. Instead of buying a chipper right off, try renting one when you need it -let the company that owns it sharpen the blades.... I'm not trying to rain on your parade at all, but it makes me nervous to hear someone ask where they need to dump their hundred grand. At least wait to spend it until you can answer that question yourself. Whatever you do though, GOOD LUCK! small business ownership can be very rewarding in many aspects.
Probably a pretty big hindrance

TreeCo said:
Is it a little hindrance if you don't know squat about tree care, tree climbing, tree care equipment, etc.? Or is tree care one of those industries where almost any salesman can BS their way to success?

I did not mean to imply that someone should begin to broker tree work without any knowledge of the work involved, but meant to stress that if they don't already have this knowledge or skill -spending $100,000 right off the bat isn't the best way to get their feet wet.
just got signed in to this site. I have been doing tree work since the 90's and recently bought new climbing equipment to replace all lost due to fire. Got a 92 ford 800 bucket for 17,500. Look around and you can find the stuff you need. I got my experience working pipeline const. and powerline clearence with a local rea. Lots of knowledge on this site if you can stand some of the pain. good luck!

A partner and I just launched our own. Even with our experience, I feel like we are occasionally getting slapped in the face.

I won't chastise you, but if I were completely new to the business, I would be doing a disservice to my customers (going out on my own). I suppose if you keep it simple, and educate yourself, it is possible to do good work and start knowing little.

doggonetrees said:
just got signed in to this site. I have been doing tree work since the 90's and recently bought new climbing equipment to replace all lost due to fire. Got a 92 ford 800 bucket for 17,500. Look around and you can find the stuff you need. I got my experience working pipeline const. and powerline clearence with a local rea. Lots of knowledge on this site if you can stand some of the pain. good luck!
and there will be pain
I like the idea of that a previous thread said.If your in sales why dont yoou try to sell some work for another individual who already knows the equipment side of the business.I have a salesman that sells my work for me,Meanwhile i run the crew and make sure the jobs get done.Im also a mechanic so i keep all the equipment running.Buying the equipment is fairly ez.You want at least a 12 inch chipper and the bigger the chip dump the better.As for stumpgrinding it,s a pain in the ass to do both trimming,removals and stumps.Figure you need another truck just for the grinder which means more manpower ,and more time grinding.Alot of people just own a stump grinder and make money.I would sub contract the stumps out.You can even get kickbacks for the stumps if you deal with the right guy.Now, keeping your equipment running is the hard part.If you dont have experience with mechanics then you have a problem.Its 80 an hour to fix a saw where im at.And its an average of 1500 everytime the chipper breaks.So a knowledge of mechanics is ideal.My salesman makes about 700 a day average.I make about 10 percent more ,but i own the equipment that needs the upkeep.
I also do payroll and babysit the workers.Like i said if sales is your thing then work on that aspect.Dont try to do it all because its too much.Just some advice from a guy who has never climbed a tree.But i do own a succesfull tree service.

magicmic said:
I like the idea of that a previous thread said.If your in sales why dont yoou try to sell some work for another individual who already knows the equipment side of the business.I have a salesman that sells my work for me,Meanwhile i run the crew and make sure the jobs get done.Im also a mechanic so i keep all the equipment running.Buying the equipment is fairly ez.You want at least a 12 inch chipper and the bigger the chip dump the better.As for stumpgrinding it,s a pain in the ass to do both trimming,removals and stumps.Figure you need another truck just for the grinder which means more manpower ,and more time grinding.Alot of people just own a stump grinder and make money.I would sub contract the stumps out.You can even get kickbacks for the stumps if you deal with the right guy.Now, keeping your equipment running is the hard part.If you dont have experience with mechanics then you have a problem.Its 80 an hour to fix a saw where im at.And its an average of 1500 everytime the chipper breaks.So a knowledge of mechanics is ideal.My salesman makes about 700 a day average.I make about 10 percent more ,but i own the equipment that needs the upkeep.
I also do payroll and babysit the workers.Like i said if sales is your thing then work on that aspect.Dont try to do it all because its too much.Just some advice from a guy who has never climbed a tree.But i do own a succesfull tree service.
i like the idea of cp philly answering some questions that i asked him................. sales guy makes 700 for you or 700 take for himself?
something seems funny .

this is my first time here, hi btw. and this is my first post. probably starting out wrong but doesnt anyone else think its strange that this guy, with no experience (none atall) has $100,000 to invest in a tree business?

somethings not right here......

anyways, nice smilies.
hes done

aarcuda said:
something seems funny .

this is my first time here, hi btw. and this is my first post. probably starting out wrong but doesnt anyone else think its strange that this guy, with no experience (none atall) has $100,000 to invest in a tree business?

somethings not right here......

anyways, nice smilies.
welcome yeah now this philly dude dissapeared thankfully no one fully hooked him up. c-ya punk go buy a shigo business manual, dual identity yahoo

BlueRidgeMark said:
My 15 year old considers that kind of thing to be childish.

Amazing that some "adults" have time for it.
thanks for sharing
Mate invest your money, work as a groundy for a few years in a good company then yo will pick up invaluable experience that will save you making costly mistakes:monkey:
how did you find the people you are working for now did u just open the yellow pages and start calling people and if so what was your approch

Maybe the best answer is to call me,it can not hurt who knows it might even help ? Maybe it is time to get back together ?

Think it over.