Ralph schmitt
New Member
im a small bussines owner looking for logs for firewood,or a company or a individual that can supply me with wood to turn into firewood.ill pick up same day or next day.theres a high demand for firewood in central minnesota theres acres and acres of wood down lying around all over trouble isim not sure how to get a hold of it i split by hand i use a 12.5 pound maul a 8.5 lb maulive found acouple of people that have let me remove dowed trees just lying around there properties.in return i supply them with firewood do all there tree care at the same time i dont use equipment thats damaging to theyre properties a chainsaw my back my boots and a truck i never take anything live without asking and generally i dont ask im honest hard working guy who loves to split wood by hand, its invigerating great core exircise and its the best therapy for a guy like me.HERE in lies the problem im out of properties and land to scavege wood from i just cleared out area 45 acres in lakeville minnesota took me 2 years,10 acres in burnsville cleared out,a 40 acre site in lino lakes for a very good friend of mine whos 81 yres old it took me 3 years and i did this by my self i harvested 421 full cords thats 4ftx4ftx8ft of firewood from this property for matt and his brother gene with a 91 f350 truck i paid $300 for 5 yrs ago a 435xp chainsaw a cant hook and my mauls a 12.5 lb maul and a8.5 lb maul a rake i supplied him his brother his sister and 2 near by neigbhors with 2 cords each twice ayear thats 4 cords for each person to the tune of 20 cords for free for being nice enough to 1 trust me to rome around ther land anytime day or night working they had a few simple rules dont take anything alive and standing dont run a chainsaw between 800pm and 800am dont bring anyone out there without theyre express permission dont litre dont start a fire and if they asked me to tim a tree for them make time for them and do it for free in the end walked with me and we painted 221 extra trees that i could harvest for not breaking there rules and they couldnt belive in three years i got 421 cords of wood outa there today there property is the cleanest most manicured looking45 acresby manicured i mean the big oaks still alive arent crouded by weed trees all theyre out buildings and home are clear of trees looming over theyre heads waiting for a storm to come put it on theyre house, plus one added bonus ive got to meet and become friends with 9 people that in my words are some of the best country folk ive ever met so much so i consider them family as they do i so if anyone knows of someone or a company that needs any apple ash any oak maple birch ironwood hickory crab apple walnut trees hauled away let me know ,or a land owner that would like his land cleaned up a little some nusances taken care of or has trees i can come take down if i can use it for firewood ill do it for next to nothing firewood is my life i eat breathe sleep work live in the woods i go home occassionally but really city life is not for me so really anyone with some ideas for me or advice or some work(tree work) please contact me at (612)222 8183 or by email at ralphtim1974@gmail.com or at bytheREALcord@gmail.com or (763)785 3364 i work by myself for myself and you im honest clean nice bat **** crazy one more thing people that watch me split or see me split cant belive what theyre seeing i can swing either one of my mauls 8 9 10 hours and cut for 4 or 5 hourshuff 6 or 7 foot logs for 2 or three hours go to my truck take a nap for 4 or 5 hours and go right back at im not happy if the saw dust isnt a flyin , or my mauls not swinging , and looking like i just got out of the shower fully dressed dripping in sweat hell last winter my woman snapped a picture of me splitting in the woods in dead of winter in my overalls and a wife beater said she couldnt believe that it wasnt me smoking a cigerette ,the steam coming off me and my breathe made for a great picture i had ice sickles hanging from my goatee and steam rising up off my back and it was minus -21 degrees she took picture then asked me dear why you working so dam hard my reply was if i stop ill freeze up like a statue and all be damed i dont like being cold if your cold your not working hard enough AND BY THE WAY IM ORIGANALLY FROM OHIO I NOW LIVE AND SELL FIREWOOD AROUND TO OF THE BEST CITYS IVE EVER BEEN TO MINNEAPOLIS / SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA I LIVE RIGHT SMACK DAB BETWEEN THE TO OF THEM and this is my home thanks to a great woman who brought me all the way here and proved to me love does really still exist god bless all who read this and enjoy it love ya dear