I'll go 600kg per m3. X 40 m3 per load =24000 kg. Round of to 25,000 kg per load = 25 metric tonne.
4 loads is 100 metric tonne
40 loads to 1000 Tonne x 15
= 600 loads 24,000 m3. That could be 20-25 man days falling per 1000 m3 here. I would assume Aussie wood is a bit heavier.
Northman likes metric, he told me... lol. Or you can go 35lb per cu ft
X 35 cu ft to = I cu metre (m3) 2.7 m3 = I cunit or 1200 mbf
I think my exact words where, "I ******* hate metric" but that is unrelated in that a metric ton is like 2250 pounds or some **** and an american ton is 2000 pounds so you loose about 2 tons to a load of logs big ******* deal, that what one decent fir log.