Do you see any trees that need fertilizer? I know adding it will make trees grow faster, but do they need to? Adding potatoes and candy will make me grow faster, but it is not needed. Until we put some ethics into our industry, we are going to have a hard time getting treated and paid like professionals.So why are you going to fertilize the tree???? To make money is not the answer for a professional.
ok, i think im slowing getting it now. instead a discussion on starting up a fert/soil mgnt. program. We keep going round and round about being ethical, professional, and resposible. So, i'll give this info in an attempt to persuade my complianceI've a hort degree, ISA cert., pest. license. I learned the art of field scouting/treating pest/pathological issues from the good doctors that run the big "B" research facilty in Charlotte, NC. I've been an IPM tech for that co. for several years. I no longer want to spray chemicals but i would like to institute a soil mgnt/fert program. I will perform soil tests, foliar analysis, and practice responsible appplication. So, any u guys have a program and r willing to share some tips? thanks guys.
If you have a forklift I would go with a small pump and tank setup to start the buisness with. There is a place near me that makes them for a few $k.
If you have a forklift I would go with a small pump and tank setup to start the buisness with. There is a place near me that makes them for a few $k.
If you expect to do long pulls you need 1/2 inch hose to get descent volume, I like a rear mount reel so you can pull to either side of the truck. If it is a pickup, get some rubber sheets to place on the rail so that you do not wear the paint off, I've seen pigtails put in the rack sockets for this purpouse and to help keep the pull straight off the reel.
My prefered probe is the JD9c gun with aluminumn tube probe.
With small tank and on site mix, you can sell different treatments/additives to a client. Things like worm castings, micorrhizae, acidifying products, I've even heard of benign mushroom spoor being done. Thoguh many of those are mico products.
The key here would be low cost and easy to change out.
I've seen work by Smiley and others that shows benefits from the introduction of spores from mycorrhizal fungi, where slurries of masserated roots and mycillia have a very low rate of viability.
Are the compost teas and the 'miracle grow' type amonias really being reccomended for declining, medium/large trees?
poor soul who gets soil stuck in places no man should have soil stuck in!
I've listen to Joe Bones a number of times too, and sat afterwards and had a few cups with him.
So if a crabapple is the tallest thing you want to spray, and it is mostly used for soil injections (fetilizer and systemic insecticides) is a 50-100 gal tank with a pump that can provide 5-8 gpm at +/- 300psi (basic low-end skid mounted unit) adequate, or is that a waste on money on something that is too small to be very useful???...Also if you include crabapple sprays and similar, you can get the most proffitable, least noxious part of the spray industry. Small ornimentals do not need 30gpm pumps, and neither does just fert....
Maybe it's just me, but why do you have to inject something that leaches down on its own already?