lost my 2nd 192 t

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When you have to account for everything, you will be suprised how many times you should have 20/20 vision. I got 8 climbers and if anyone of them drop their saw, yeah, let's talk. Maybe buying the 192 makes some feel like they are saving a buck. Not me, give a guy a brand new 200T and hold him responsible. For me, it works, so far.
Jeff :)
I was going to type out something eloquent and useful, then I did and my internet had kicked me off so that's lost.

I suggest stop making bad cuts and make safe cuts.

I assume if it's being pulled out of your hand you're making drop cuts, I also assume you're teaching/taught yourself or have little instruction, I will again assume that you are one handing the saw because using a 192 you can't be cutting anything extremely big, you also didn't say handS.

Obviously make the bottom part of the cut first then make the top cut CLOSER than the bottom. That way when it breaks/drops you dont lose your saw.

_________________/ trunk
branch 2nd |
____1st__|_______ the | being the cuts

Maybe buy some saws off craigslist or ebay, especially if you're going thru them at the rate you are? I got a 009l for 40 bucks on CL and a cs300 echo for 80 on ebay. I use a 200t at work and they suck in comparison but gotta start somewhere...
I was going to type out something eloquent and useful, then I did and my internet had kicked me off so that's lost.

I suggest stop making bad cuts and make safe cuts.

I assume if it's being pulled out of your hand you're making drop cuts, I also assume you're teaching/taught yourself or have little instruction, I will again assume that you are one handing the saw because using a 192 you can't be cutting anything extremely big, you also didn't say handS.

Obviously make the bottom part of the cut first then make the top cut CLOSER than the bottom. That way when it breaks/drops you dont lose your saw.

_________________/ trunk
branch 2nd |
____1st__|_______ the | being the cuts

Maybe buy some saws off craigslist or ebay, especially if you're going thru them at the rate you are? I got a 009l for 40 bucks on CL and a cs300 echo for 80 on ebay. I use a 200t at work and they suck in comparison but gotta start somewhere...

Right you are. I had it backasswards... I'm a little dyslexic you know...

Good advice.
It must be a money issue or some one thinking they are saving money by getting a 192, I think the 192 is not for everyday professional use. My opinion, yell at me all you want!
Jeff :)

The 192 is a p o crap homeowner wanabee topper. no ballz run like crap after a month. only 2 kinda people with that saw, cheap, or dont know better.
I admittedly fall under the CHEAP! I, until I find a guy good enough, will not let anybody use my 200, I find the right guy, I will buy him one, he still wont use mine of course.

My 200 has been with me thru thick and thin, ya know how hunters have all their dogs, but have that one old dog that is the favorite and gets to sleep in the house, my 200 is that dog! Old, beat up and faithful to the end.
When it finally is retired, it will not go into the trash, or robbed for parts, it will be cleaned and put up on the book shelf in my office.

I wonder if I could Bronze it? Wonder if wife would let me put it next too the baby shoes?
might be user error.

The 192 is a p o crap homeowner wanabee topper. no ballz run like crap after a month. only 2 kinda people with that saw, cheap, or dont know better.

I have had 0 problems with my 192. I use it all the time.helps if the carb is adjusted correctly.
Don't encourage him, "S-O-M," those tear-aways are bunk. He needs to know how wood re-acts when cutting. Hope the "bungee cord" reference was a joke!
Jeff :)
First post, hi all.

I just decided I'd like to go up the tree myself instead of hiring the job out (I both like the terror of heights and am a bit cheap). The white ash leaning and dying over my garage is ~75' of emerald ash borer heaven. I'd like to get it down while the wood is still solid (which means this season).

I'm starting from ground zero (in more ways than one). I'm pretty satisfied that I'm going QUITE slow and careful enough and will probably be alive at the end of this tree, if the unknown unknowns don't kill me. I used an 025 for years until it walked one day, now a 250 for years and just bought a 192 TCE for this venture. Tho I don't have the perspective of y'all's huge experience, I have to say I'm in love with my new baby.

HOWEVER it doesn't return my love, and in fact had a death wish: All done for the day I was rearranging my junk, with the saw hanging down from the bungee lanyard (with tearaway). It just up and unclipped itself from the lanyard and dove 50' for a bounce on its tail then bar tip. Ouch. Talk about unrequited love!

(Blah blah, sorry I get going...) So two things: One, the dogleash-type clip is obviously a stupid idea, regardless of that I ought have clipped the saw to my harness. Why do they sell them with these clips? And how do y'all attach saw to lanyard and to harness?

Second, the recovery: After plying hardpan out of the chain and bar, the only obvious damage is the cracked filter cover, no big deal I think. But the saw runs like crap. Ran the needles in and out and reset to factory (B type carburetor) and tried going from there but no. At best,

Erratic idle; per manual took L CCW and at each step reset idle. Nada.
Zero high speed power; touching a log kills the saw.

??? Help?
i have a 192 and it is a no power piece of ****. Most times i use a ms250 in a tree but that,s another story. As far as doping a saw out of a tree, i never have. But i have thrown a saw out of a tree before, a o36 that was being hard to get along with and then the pull cord broke and that was it.
ive thrown my cs 3000 80' out of a tree once when it didnt want to start. thought that was its glory retirment until my friend fired it up after a few cranks. i didnt know what to think when that happened. anyhow i bought a 192 to replace it, underpower but its light weight makes up for it when your just whacking limbs, i think
Mount it on a plaque, and rig it with a motion detector and speaker. Let it 'Rev-up' every time someone walks by.
I admittedly fall under the CHEAP! I, until I find a guy good enough, will not let anybody use my 200, I find the right guy, I will buy him one, he still wont use mine of course.

My 200 has been with me thru thick and thin, ya know how hunters have all their dogs, but have that one old dog that is the favorite and gets to sleep in the house, my 200 is that dog! Old, beat up and faithful to the end.
When it finally is retired, it will not go into the trash, or robbed for parts, it will be cleaned and put up on the book shelf in my office.

I wonder if I could Bronze it? Wonder if wife would let me put it next too the baby shoes?
The lanyard never comes off my 200, it's for climbing work only. A couple of people have picked it up to do ground work and look at me funny as I start making growling noises. Get your filthy mitts away from my saw!