The funny thing 20 foot fall your just as dead as 200 footJust sitting here thinking. Some new members really crack me up. (And i'm speaking as a relative newbie to this site myself.) They may be the big fish in their little pond but they're in the ocean now. For example, i've been top climber for the the last couple years in my neck of the woods, yet there are guys here that could take me to school without even breaking a sweat. Guess it all depends on our experiences. 90+ feet is a decent sized tree to me yet have worked with guys from a different climbing background that just laugh at something that size. There is a wealth of experience on this site if you are just humble enough to accept it. Well, guess i'm done rambling.What was this thread about? Oh yeah, lowering devices-grcs for me-sometimes wonder how i worked without it-definitely makes life easier!
And oh, the stories they tell! Well, hey I want to party with you wildman! (sort of a quote from "Stripes" Bill Murray. 80, 90 foot takedowns, no ****oos!
ricky whats a triaxle? on lds got da kk model yer talking about canyon a good starterya and that was just one of the trees today. started it at 9 and finished at noon. the one tree had triaxle and a half of wood in her.
chipper winch????They are great for any one that can afford them they
are overpriced like most arbor gear I use my winch on
free spool the drum on the shaft end three wraps lowers
and if need pull hold tight on tail and you have more than
you will on grcs.
ricky whats a triaxle? on lds got da kk model yer talking about canyon a good starter
for sure use it to make cash for a grcs,btw (GRCS)it is worth every penny and you will make it back in increased production, if your dead set on a kk brake we could probally work it out for mine to get ya started to a grcs, ricky welcome to the site.
Twenty ton bucketchipper winch????
Twenty ton bucket
winch with shaft to one side to mount drum!
ayuh sounds a tad stronger than the old grcs
My favorite lowering device of all time is called gravity.
I've slammed big wood into my GRCS, busted a handle, bent various pieces... the spool is none the worse for wear.
I abuse my gear. If it were delicate I would not own it.
That sait, I find it prudent to have them remove it when I start crashing stuff down left and right. Don't want to take unnessesary chances.
i know you guys on this thread are taking out trees fast but the grcs is amazing, the kk ratching bollard is realy tuff to crank up with and it can and has shot up the the tree if not set in a chainsaw notch, scary! for hauling back limbs you could go with a pole, gibbs and a fiddle block and even make your own, i waited for years to get a grcs, i wish it was the first purchase i could of saved, building rigging equip, around the grcs, on my second one yeah you can break em too j