Mac Pro 10 Need help

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New Member
Feb 5, 2005
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east wenatchee,wa
Hi to All. New to the Forums. I have a older Mac that I have used off and on for a number of years. It performed rather well for me, at just cutting up fallen trees and small limbs into fire size logs. I used it last about a month ago,and was preparing to do some more cutting. I put gas and oil mixture in and bar oil to prepare it for cutting. I pulled the starter rope to start and it was very hard to pull. I removed the plug and gave it a tug and it responded as if nothing was wrong. I did that several times to make sure nothing was binding inside. Replaced the plug and the same hard pull was still there. Can you shed some light on this problem for me. I would appreciate it very much.Thank you for any replies and information on this matter. Chuck (Blakjack)
Is this a Pro Mac10-10,or some other of the10 series?If it is a 6-10 or 7-10,they have a compression release,and pull real hard if the release is not used to start them.If you can,would you put a picture of it on here,showing the back of the saw,from the handle end.
Mac 10-10

Thanks for your answer to my post Al. At this time I can't post a pic. But looking at the handle, I see a small black type lever on the bottom side.that dosen't extend to far down. In front of that is the throttle from the carb.Although I see what appears to be a rubber type grommet.which might be a guide for the cable that goes to the carb. I also thought there was a compression release of some kind but am odds as to where to look for it. I am sure that the piston is free and so forth, for I have no problem pulling the cord after taking out the plug. So any more info that you can give or others.will be greatfully appreciated. Thanks again BJ
Hard starting 10-10

This is a reply to a pm,I got this morning.I am not aware of any comp releases on a 10-10,however,I don't know it all.The only 2 types of same,That I know of,are in the pictures.The first picture is of a 6-10.My index finger is pointed at the release and my other at the setting lever.This type is activated by pushing the lever down,and forward,and through the linkage ,the release is set.On occasion,the darned things will stick,and won't release.A couple of taps with a small hammer,usually fixes the problem.jpg126,shows the automatic type,on a super pro 81.This,you simpley push in,and start the saw.It automatically resets,on detonation.Some times,as in the case of this saw,just the compression will reset it,and try and break your wrist,in the process.The last picture ,is of a super 10-10.Note the absence of a comp release.Because of the small rope drum diameters,all the 10 series saws pull a little hard,if they have good innards.To tell the truth,my 6-10 is harder to start than my super pro 125,with the compression release set,of course.I really can't think of another thing to make them pull extremely hard,just the nature of the little rascals,I guess.It may be firing early,also,which will give your arm a warm fuzzy feeling.Pop the flywheel off,and set the points at .018".
Mac 10-10

Hi Al. Again I thank you for your reply. I looked at the pics, the saws there you have are different then these. I beleive mine is a newer concept. I beleive I had a couple of the older ones as the pictures show. I will take your advice again and set the timing as you suggested. This sure is a stumper for me. Have in the past been able to fix a lot of mysteries, but not this one. Oh well we will get it sooner or later im sure. any way. you have aa great evening. Chuck (BJ)

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