made in China..cant wait

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Ekka said:
Holden and Ford are huge over here. We have V8 Supercar racing featuring nothing but the two and it has big following, over in NZ to.

Features nothing but the two since they had the rest banned because the the fords and holdens couldnt beat them even after they were handicapped.I still watch it, its a great race series.

Aussie fords and holdens are a pretty narrow range. Aside from the big 6's and 8's they almost all either asian or european based models. We had local car industry which was protected by tarriffs on imports, best thing that ever happened when they were dropped. Thousands lost their jobs but millions could afford much better cars

Dont they sell commodores to saudi rebadged as chevs?
It's a matter of different types of cars in racing, or classes etc.

When you go to the grand prix you don't see different sized cars with different capacity engines, same with indy etc. You had to many different weights, engines etc. Australians lost interest as their "legends" is what they wanted to see. V8 muscle car racing not Mazda rotaries and other Euro BS.

Also there is what is called the world car concept. Various automobile manufactures got together rebadging cars and as part of the deal on their assembly lines various countries make different parts. Holden got together with Opel, GMC etc.

Did you know that just last year in Melbourne the largest engine manufacturing plant in the southern hemisphere was completed that will make over 400,000 engines per year and supply both the local and overseas market.

Did you know that the Holdens factory in Elizabeth SA employs over 5000 people, runs 3 shifts, and pumps out over 700 cars a day.

Our motor vehicle industry is exporting cars, we have Mitsubishi too. Who, even though owned by Japanese let us do the design and engineering, that's how the magna was born ... the Japanese were most impressed.

Don't forget that Aussies travel vast distances on open roads, they want power to tow things and over take, they want parts where-ever they go, they want reliability and comfort.

There is a lot more a stake here than cheap cars and fortunately we have had the intelligence to work it out not abandon our country for cheap imports.
Ekka - I know exactly what your saying, and where your coming from. (I used to have a 5.0 v8 falcon, bit of a tank but boy do those cars last!)
the problem for us brits has been succesive crap governments starting with Labour's union dominated gov. of the 60's and seventies (more pay less work) and the kneejerk tory conservative backlash of the 70's and eightys where the thacherite government broke the unions but then sold off or shut down everything in sight. this has created a country that financialy is totaly dependent on borrowing for so called growth. Its government has been steamrollered by the banks and insurance companies into looking after the 2 square miles of city district in london and phuk all else. Inventors and engineers are looked down upon as cranks, and manufacturing is a dirty word. And people wonder why we all want to skip the country? its become an arsehole of a country, where earning a living with your hands is considered one up from being on the dole.
And yet there are still shades of brilliance among the grime, last year a back shed inventor came up with an idea for rocket fuel involving hydrogen + oxygen bubbled through araldite that has saved nasa's booster rocket bill by 90%!
rolla,,, buy chinese...after all, it's the reason you are not talking german now!!!! my bad,,, sorry,, chinese were getting thier butt whooped by the japanese....oops, i keep on forgeting that was a long time ago..........
I remember when I did my trade and the ants pants of tools was Sheffield. Now you have the Full Monty.

Governments can make or break a country. The English economy is surviving off exporting services. What a load of BS that is. Exporting services such as insurance and banking. Most of the human jobs within those 2 sectors have gone and it's all just data entry and computers but huge profits for corporations and that balance sheet looks good as Lloyds opens another branch in Europe.

Per head of Capita, the English are the most innovative, around 50% of the worlds patents come out of England, US, Australia, etc etc are also high, only 3% comes out of Japan and a big stuff all out of China as all they do is copy.

Some genius politician here some 15 years ago decided on reducing tariffs on competing imported goods, his words were that a level playing field was fair ... level my ass, we don't work for a bowl of rice a day. But fortunately we're hanging in there on a few sectors but if that mentality of "I don't give a hoot, all I want is cheaper" keeps going the standard of living will keep going down, your dollar on the world market will be worth crap and like the same genius of a politician said 15 years ago "you'll become a banana republic".

As your country's standard of living declines (although you can buy cheap goods) what you'll find happens is a scenario where land and house prices start to get out of reach. You simply won't be able to borrow enough money as it's relevant to your income what you can borrow. You won't be able to up your income much as it's now a dog eat rat market place and staff are actually offering prospective employers a lower pay rate to get a job (I'll do it for 10 quid an hour).

So you'll end up renting, the rent will get dearer to the point it is just as bad as a mortgage, but you'll have plenty of cheap toys and electronics. If your lucky enough the government might put you in housing commission, but slowly that will go up as the govt is in debt up to it's ears. If you rent privately your new landlord will probably be Chinese.
As your country's standard of living declines (although you can buy cheap goods) what you'll find happens is a scenario where land and house prices start to get out of reach. You simply won't be able to borrow enough money as it's relevant to your income what you can borrow. You won't be able to up your income much as it's now a dog eat rat market place and staff are actually offering prospective employers a lower pay rate to get a job (I'll do it for 10 quid an hour).

So you'll end up renting, the rent will get dearer to the point it is just as bad as a mortgage, but you'll have plenty of cheap toys and electronics. If your lucky enough the government might put you in housing commission, but slowly that will go up as the govt is in debt up to it's ears. If you rent privately your new landlord will probably be Chinese.[/QUOTE]

Ekka - That Perfectly describes the UK property market, Right down to the chinese landlords. Bangor (my local tiny university city) is mostly owned by chinese and asians. I don't begrudge them that because I know they've worked like phuk to get there, but what a sodding useless state this country's become.
I think I should follow my in laws back to Ausy... :p
Come on down under mate ... it's gotta be better and we need good arborists.

Don't blow the chance, imagine in a few years it'll be even harder to get in.

Here's the irony, why do they buy houses etc in foreign countries, for that matter why do they put their money in English banks and trust English insurance companies ... well, would you trust a semi-communist govt? As fast as they make the money they cover their ***** with it, off to a safer place.

Never have I said that these people are stupid, but they know where they come from.
Had a 1 year visa last time, and could have got in permenantly as B.tree experts offered me a partnership. Should have taken it while I had the chance I think..
talking to a freind yeasterday who worked in japan the last 10 years in auto dismantle,he says alot of japanese techs in the automotive area have moved to china.a tractor the same size as a large john deer is quater the price.
Donald Rumsfeld rebuked China today for their massive military build up saying there are no enemies in the region to threaten them. Everyone seems to forget that China's communist regime is an evil wicked force we will have to deal with in the near future. The next time you buy a Chinese product remember the company that made it is most likely state owned. The employees of these companies are paid small wages and if they refuse to work they are placed in work camps where they are punished. The Chinese government hates democracy, personal freedom, and most of all they hate the US constitution. Our government and the elite have sold out the working class Americans for cheap Asian labor and their cheap products. Take a close look at the US Harmonized Tariff Schedule. Chinese goods are taxed very little if any at all. The rich are greedy and near sighted. All they care about is making money NOW! We have been become so dependant on foreign textiles that a break in the supply chain from Asia would cripple our economy. I believe many of us will live to see the day when our economy will collapse. When it does there will be a series of events that will trigger an invasion on both the east and the west coast. I just hope those who are responsible will get the bayonet before me.
History repeats it's self.Let's take a little trip on the time machine.Early on ,while the USA was just a bunch of colonies,mother England controlled all the iron imported this infant nation,for several reasons,but money being the biggest factor.That was somewhat changed during the revolutionary period,with the then new,US iron production.However the exportation of then production type equipment was monopolized .A few yankee inventors,Eli Whitney being one,helped solve that problem.Over several hundred years,instead of Sheffield England being the center of precision machinery,it became Cincinnati Ohio.The same thing with the textile industry,going from England,to the New England states of the US .These markets have changed,over the years.It now seems that the machinery has shifted to Germany and Japan,and the textiles ,to the Pacific rim countries.It seems to be an ever revolving wheel .It all makes for interesting conversation but there are no simple solutions,because it has happened before,historically speaking.In terms of quality products,I could cite the bone shaking Brit bikes of the 60's,BSA, Triumph,Royal Enfield .They would loose half their parts on a 100 mile trip.How about the oil leaking Harleys,always marked their spots.Then along came a little cheap scooter from Japan.Cheap,ran good,didn't leak oil. Not only did the US buyers embrace these little imports,the entire world did.Now,in that case,who shot themselves in the foot?
Very gloomy on the one hand but very optimistic on the other. In reality the war with freedom haters began before the foundations of the world were laid. It continues here in mortality. Whether it's communism, alcoholism, ????ography, drug abuse, tobacco use, or any other vice that diminishes the moral agency of man and brings him into bondage, it all relates to two oposing forces that exist in the universe. Good and evil. When there is an earth inhabited by human beings there will be an opposition in all things. Our forefathers were absolute in their allegience to God and freedom. Today our leaders flip flop back and forth. One minute they're giving praises with their lips, and the next they're conspiring in secret chambers to bring the masses into bondage. Secret combinations have existed for millennia and have destroyed entire civilizations. In the end truth and righteousness, freedom and peace will prevail.
Well I've just had a look at the USA stats on trade deficit etc and it's pretty good.

Yeah, you are importing more than your exporting but the debt is only around $650billion for the a nation who's GDP is $12.2trillion = 6%

But the problem is that it's getting worse not better, and following a similar path to us in Australia. But no where near as bad as England.

This will get worse as you import more, and US companies move to manufacture in China.

I just can't see that dragon being slayed ... not economically.
im not saying there not clever little fellas,but they do need us to copy from.

a freind of mine goes there to teach them automotive accesories for one of the worlds biggest companys,its pretty basic stuff he has to teach.

why cant they make n sell stuff?
So...if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Maybe we should take a good look at the MIC equipment, & try to get in on the parts distibution in our respective countries. Providing we're not talking about totally disposable equipment. Bad idea? Good idea?
Knot Whole

Really, it's ultimately up to governments isn't it.

They let the jobs go and imports in, they choose the tax rates and corporate affairs.

MIC is only the tip of the iceberg, economic dominance is extremely powerful.

They have over a billion workers, who work for less than $1/hour, do you want to join them?

Parts distributors, are you kidding? Haven't you noticed that only chinese work in chinese restuarants. They'll cut the guts out of the middle man and put in their own.
seems like a little pot stiring here...the original poster,, just bought a made in USA stump grinder.. go figure...

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