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Sunrise Guy

Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 4, 2006
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I just got this e-mail within the hour. I really like the "personal touch" from this prospective client. She really knows how to make me get interested in bidding her job----NOT!

I sent a reply to all listed, except the bimbo who sent it, and told them to have a good time on Idlewood Cove.

Ah, the wonders of the internet!


From: Jewel.Matth&&&&&@&&&&&&&&
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]c:
Subject: Tree Removal
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 4:47 PM
Please respond to this email if you will remove from the property a 35 ft. Arizona App from a residence in Travis County

5902 Idlewood Cove.

Please let me know your availability before Tuesday May 1st and pricing for tree removal of this size and nature.

Executive Asst. to the President
Austin, Texas


Yeah, boy! I just love clients who play one company against the other. This has to be a new and extreme case, though.

"Arizona App"??? Hmmm-Fraxinus velutina, anybody?

oh, someone who thinks you work by her schedule huh? maybe after the bid is signed, but not for an estimate.
imo, good one to skip. prob make more money sitting that one out.
Yeah, I can just imagine the companies who will actually send her some $$ figure for the heck of it to see if she'll even take the next step. Actually, some of the people she sent the e-mail to are "Have Chainsaw, Will Cut Tree" types, so they may send her a quote based on nothing more than her very scientific, precise desription of what she needs done. Let 'em slug it out for that gig! I'll pass!

Send her a bid, $12 654, and you would like confirmation of that amount being acceptable upon reciept of this bid.
Id waste my time...........

very possible id be in that area and be able to look...........

wouldnt go out of my way without a lil phone conversation

hell i might even just show up to take a look,,,,,,,,,

in this biz in my saturated market.if you wait even 1 hour to respond you might miss some good money....on that same account if you are the first to respond you might just sew it up..........

I'Ve won and lost many due to both reasons.......

remember boys and girls this is a chase yer money industry.........

so yall go ahead and sit them out ill respond and up my closing percentage.....
Id waste my time...........

very possible id be in that area and be able to look...........

wouldnt go out of my way without a lil phone conversation

hell i might even just show up to take a look,,,,,,,,,

in this biz in my saturated market.if you wait even 1 hour to respond you might miss some good money....on that same account if you are the first to respond you might just sew it up..........

I'Ve won and lost many due to both reasons.......

remember boys and girls this is a chase yer money industry.........

so yall go ahead and sit them out ill respond and up my closing percentage.....

I actually agree with you, man. The thing that sort of po'd me though was that she sent this blanket e-mail out to so many tree guys to the point where it seemed kind of absurd to even get involved. There was just this gut feeling of revulsion, you know? Hard to explain, it just felt bad, to me. I suppose if I wasn't working my butt off to the point of exhaustion, I might drop by the address tomorrow ready to do the take-down, call her up at her company, and tell her I could do the job right then and there if she would drop by during her lunch break and sign my bid. Wait! I think I know why this angered me. With so many e-mails out, she would probably just tell me that she wanted to wait until she got all of the other bids. Maybe not, but I'm not going out there, anyway. This one gets away from me.
Very impersonal, borderline offense request for a bid. This time of year I ll call back if someone says they are getting another bid. They say several bids I do not even call back. A month ago it was their game, now it s my game.
The thing that sort of po'd me though was that she sent this blanket e-mail out to so many tree guys

yer prolly thee only one who read it......guaranteed the hack and stacks are too busy drinkin and yer competiton prolly dont care enuff to check.....JMO

id definitly atleast respond and give the cell number for a lil 1 on 1 time..

Good to hear yer slammin work till yer exausted!!!!!!!!!!!

Got in my first full week with a little dribblin over to next week,So im happy as a saw cuttin wood :)
It's a standard form letter for bids put on the interent. She's probably new to the game, or she would have donew it BCC. People have been doing blanket form letters for years.

Just call for an appointment, maybe everyone else is like you in their reaction.
Very impersonal, borderline offense request for a bid. This time of year I ll call back if someone says they are getting another bid. They say several bids I do not even call back. A month ago it was their game, now it s my game.

That seems like the best way to ensure that the customer and any friends they have will never call you back or refer you. I have always found it better to tell the customer you are currently booked and won't be able to give an estimate for several weeks. Then if you have a slow day and they are still interested you can give the estimate without pulling away from another job. Not calling back just doesn't seem professional.

In regards to the original post, it can't hurt to at least call or take a look if you are in the area.
tell them your busy, thanks for thinking of you, and explain you dont particpate in bid work for private residences only munis utility commercial etc.
tell them your busy, thanks for thinking of you, and explain you dont particpate in bid work for private residences only munis utility commercial etc.

Actually a great reply. I should have done that. I'll know better, next time. Thanks!