Mark your calendar: the 2024 PNW GTG is happening June 13th though June 16th.

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I went to a GTG out there a long time ago, back when I had a big enough chainsaw to send... I forget when it was.. 2010ish? Too long ago to remember. I had my 372XPW out there that was ported up by that canadian fellow that I can't remember the name of either. I've slept too many times since then.
They say the memory is the first thing to go. You were out here in 2008, across the Columbia from Hood River. Bookerdog's place.
I saw you in the motel lobby in The Dalles. and told you that you looked just like your avatar.
I remember all that stuff. Now, where the hell are my car keys?
Hey man!:hi: I've always had a bad case of CRS. I still have those chains you sent east out in the garage. Remember that BBQ sauce I sent your way? That guy went commercial and the commercial kitchen he contracted with converted his recipe to something "commercial" and it was never the same after that.

I'm polluting the 2024 GTG thread.... I'll stop now..