Maul handle replacement question

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Dec 3, 2008
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Peoples Republic of North Jersey
My maul handle has been retired. I figured no biggie just head down to TSC and pick out a more better new one right...not so fast spanky. They don't have anything that fits. So I tread off to the HomeCheapo and nada.
off to the trust innerwberia thinger...millions of axe, single double, plastic variants ect but nothing that looks like it might work.
so is there a diagram or some way to find out exactly what handle I am looking for before I quit and buy a new maul.

yes I have used a Fiskers
no do not want one at this time.( I will reconsider it in the future when they are made with wood handles)



any help would be great.
Looks like some of your guys arguments about traditional tools with wood handles and being able to easilly replace them holds no water. Might be this specific tool but not having to order one and wait on mail seemed to be one of your guys main points vs the fiskar replacement taking a few weeks. You might want to consider ordering two handles incase you need to replace one in the feild. ;):D:chop:

Somebody posted it here a year or two ago. I hvee lots of wooden handle tools and will make a order some day.
The last one I fixed, I used an old timer trick. I heated the maul in the wood stove and burnt the handle in. The handle fits real tight.
Looks like some of your guys arguments about traditional tools with wood handles and being able to easilly replace them holds no water. Might be this specific tool but not having to order one and wait on mail seemed to be one of your guys main points vs the fiskar replacement taking a few weeks. You might want to consider ordering two handles incase you need to replace one in the feild. ;):D:chop:

You can always make your own handle in the woods.
Sure could, ever try though? Let me know how long it takes and how long it lasts.
Yes I have made a handle before. I am shure it took some time. I was a yougster and did not know what I was doing. I made a long hickory handle for a hoe. I split the tree in quarters.
The handle was a good one, but it did warp.
Yes I have made a handle before. I am shure it took some time. I was a yougster and did not know what I was doing. I made a long hickory handle for a hoe. I split the tree in quarters.
The handle was a good one, but it did warp.

Hoe's dont really take the beating a maul would so I wouldnt really consider that a good comparison... Im sure a handle could be made but you likely wont have anything to cut the slot for the wedge... so making a field handle becomes a moot point IMO. Broken handle = lost day (or more) without a replacement tool or handle. I heard the fiskars are nearly unbreakable. :D
Looks like some of your guys arguments about traditional tools with wood handles and being able to easilly replace them holds no water. Might be this specific tool but not having to order one and wait on mail seemed to be one of your guys main points vs the fiskar replacement taking a few weeks. ;):D:chop:


In all seriousness those are fantastic prices compared to what my local fleet supply charges. If the first handle is of good quality, I'd probably order a lifetime supply.

Thanks Eric,
Im sure they do have it. Ill call and find out for sure.
My bigger question is "what the heck is it" to search for in the wide wide world of handles?
so far the closest looking thing on that site is "post maul handle" which looks like a decent amount of shaping will be required.
Thanks Eric,
Im sure they do have it. Ill call and find out for sure.
My bigger question is "what the heck is it" to search for in the wide wide world of handles?
so far the closest looking thing on that site is "post maul handle" which looks like a decent amount of shaping will be required.

Could be worse I suppose, if you had to make your own. lol :laugh:

J/W, got a pic of the old handle?
My biggest complaint about store bought handles is finding a good one. Even if the store has a stack of handles I have gone out the store without a single one! If the grain doesn'f run perfectly through the handle, for me it isn't worth the fuss! Breakage is just guarenteed!
So yess I like wooden handles alot, but finding a good one sure isn't easy.

My biggest complaint about store bought handles is finding a good one. Even if the store has a stack of handles I have gone out the store without a single one! If the grain doesn'f run perfectly through the handle, for me it isn't worth the fuss! Breakage is just guarenteed!
So yess I like wooden handles alot, but finding a good one sure isn't easy.


yes ..getting good wood isn't easy at this age isn't like it used to be....but at least there is pills for that now !!!

oops....wrong forum......never mind.
most mauls use a sledge hammer handle, but there are so many head variations that you will almost always have to shape the new handle to fit the head... fastest way ive found is to use either a belt sander held in a vise, or a 4 1/2" angle grinder with a 60 grit polifan (flap disc), the belt sander is easier though...

ive had better luck at small local hardware stores for quality handles, TSC, home depot, lowes and the like all have the same garbage