I have a McCulloch 250, and I'm trying to get manuals for it. Shop manual 60270 (and a user manual, if possible) would be wonderful, if anyone could send me this. Thanks much.Heimannm-Mac shop Manuals
Hello,would it be possible to get a copy of the MAc shop Manuals.
Hi Mark,I have the 1-40/50/60 Work Shop Manuals (60270) in electronic format. Together with the 200/300/400/640 supplemental it make a pretty good basis for the older 80 and 87cc McCulloch saws.
If anyone needs a copy lf 60270 just let me know. I will need your e-mail address as the files are pretty big. Just to confirm, I have scanned these from a hard copy as well so no one else's work is being compromised.
One of the nicest things about the suplement Deprime is offering is it explains some of the history linking the listed saws to their predecessors.
Thanks Deprime, A copy of the supplement would be very useful. Happy Thanksgiving!Got another one scanned.
McCulloch Shop Manual - P/N 63328
1965 Supplement to Shop Manual 60270
Model 200, 250, 300, 380, 380A, 440, 450, 640
Been searching haven't founda link for this one, still available?Hello
Is the manual still availible
Do have or know where to get an Owner's manual for a McCulloch Pro Mac 610 saw? ThanksI have the 1-40/50/60 Work Shop Manuals (60270) in electronic format. Together with the 200/300/400/640 supplemental it make a pretty good basis for the older 80 and 87cc McCulloch saws.
If anyone needs a copy lf 60270 just let me know. I will need your e-mail address as the files are pretty big. Just to confirm, I have scanned these from a hard copy as well so no one else's work is being compromised.
One of the nicest things about the suplement Deprime is offering is it explains some of the history linking the listed saws to their predecessors.
TomNeed a few manuals...
Most importantly, a shop manual that covers a 10-10A. A owner's manual would be interesting to have as well. (I already have an IPL.)
If not too much bother, a shop manual and IPL for a PM610 would be helpful as well (already have owners manual for this one).
Thanks in advance, Tom
Check your inboxHi,I need a repair / manual for my mini mac 25 .I'm attempting to replace the coil and points,thanks Tom
Maybe, but if there was a way to cut the back end of the saw case off for easy access and securing with screws, they might not be so bad. The 605 610 owners manual searches come up dry.Your are a good man Ray, but enabling someone to work on a Mini Mac might not be considered a favor by some.