Mister Wizard
Did i accidentally leave my web camera on again? Can you actually SEE me flailing on the other end of this thing?
I can see it in my mind's eye. Also am remembering your PM610 experience.....
Did i accidentally leave my web camera on again? Can you actually SEE me flailing on the other end of this thing?
I can see it in my mind's eye. Also am remembering your PM610 experience.....
??? whats the play it or delay it thread?
Ill give it to Thomas, he actually got this one correct.
I think that was his description of the compression. As in "that thing has so much compression it's retarded".
Randy, are you hiring?
Randy- we got lots of 125s here on the west coast. So when you're ready for one, give me a holler.
yeah, i torqued properly but i guess i forgot to degreasewont make that mistake twice.
My torque wrench is going to have some skin in this game tomorrow.
No Tom.......Jon and I have it covered here my friend. We stay busy but I reckon that's a good thing.
Mr. hkusp9
It looks like the key wasn't engaged in the flywheel just right. Take your time and learn to get in a habit of checking things twice........I'm slow at what i do compared to some guys, but I would rather take the time to make sure everything is just so before pulling that rope. Things go south fast at 7000 RPM.........
That tubing you cut of the ignition lead was there to prevent vibrations from rubbing thru and shorting out the lead. What do you plan to replace that with?
You get ready to trade that old Mac for a good running saw give me a call.
Ok, got my carb kit and my hondabond4 from complete opposite ends of houston. I really am committed to doing this project right.
Also, is there anywhere local that might carry the crankshaft/flywheel key like home depot or lowes or ace hardware?
And should leave the flywheel to crankshaft mating surfaces bare and free of oil or should a put a dab of loc-tite or something on there?
Don't put anything on the taper, just degrease it with Brake clean.
Also, is there anywhere local that might carry the crankshaft/flywheel key like home depot or lowes or ace hardware?
If you know what size and type to get you can get the flywheel key at any hardware store. It would be easier to find at a local hardware store, not Home Depot or Lowes.
I would replace that flywheel, One off one of the other saws
should work. Many of the larger mac's use the same flywheel.
Is there a 250 in the batch you got? You can also lap the
flywheel to the crank with valve grinding compound. That will
make sure both surfaces are meant to be together. A flywheel
key you will have in one of your other saws as well. Also, Replace
the coil wire you cut the cover off of. Get one off one of your other
saws as well. It's great to have a few low dollar parts saws as
some parts will interchange.
I agree with Mastermind, Slow down before you ruin this classic
saw. Rome wasn't built in a day. Take it slow and pay attention.
Wait, i want to make sure that i get this right. Are you saying that i should replace it because it appears out of round by a millimeter from one side to the other or because the inside is a little scratched up. Because Im thinking of using your valve lapping compound idea to clean up the inside mating surfaces and i cant find a NOS flywheel anywhere....
At any rate, im going to take your advice and swap the flywheels with another one that i have laying around here. I will use the valve lapping compound idea like you suggested however.
Anyhow, im headed out to buy a new woodruff key and some valve lapping compound and then when i get back this saw will be on the backburner while I assemble the new baileys 390 motor that i just got from the UPS man for my stihl 029 super. Soon as i get that thing running its going on the chopping block so i can mess with these two SP125's.
Finally, Im going to shrink wrap all the coil wires and try to source a NOS condenser even though the mini mac on on it now seems to be working and has the same part number stamped on it.
finally, should i JB weld these cracks and grind them smooth?