i think hitches are good at more angles and conditions (except dirty lines). Also, safety hitch should be higher than mechanical ascenders, so as not to be taken out by said mechanical ascendor.
Frictions hitches should not be used to descend SRT. In SRT they are double loaded (compaired to DdRT). But also, in DdRT the load weight (you) can shift to the non-friction hitch/terminated leg, unloading the hitch further for safe descent(under proper conditions). this werks like if using 2 legs of line to lower,a nd one extends further,t he other leg takes the load. SRT doesn't have this 'helper leg' to unload half the weight too, and then more when you go to 'extend' the leg with friction hitch on it.
Even if hitches tied the same, individual types of lines, diameters and personal setting habits etc. can make one werk some, when it isn't recomended. i think in a safety minded culture, the outright recomendations should then stay conservative, when they seem to bend the 'findings' of the populace.
Fixed eyes (bowlines, large eye splices) are okay on the more self righting snaps, but hitches that cinch up should be used on krabs that go beyond a single loading b4 inspecting IMLHO. Like if rigging down, align and test, then rig, then another run is anther inspection is lots safert than a point you can't inspect or one you are wearing and going through constant changes in angle and loadings...