Trees in and along the ROW's that get trimmed are bound to get removed over a few more maintenance cycles.
When your life is that close to power, it should be the climbers choice on how to climb. Spurs FTW!.
Spike climbing is by far cheaper and less complex.......and.... Trees around power don't have a future anyway.
i don't claim to be mrNails biggest fan; nor am i with the spiking, but there is no escaping these quotes. i totally respect anyone facing the devil (death and dismemberment etc.) as much as any of us, but then taking this extra step closer then too even more... Heck, i'd get a lil'spooked working over gator pits, as they circled beneath begging fate to make me screw up. Guys could lure them away with stick on throwline some, but they come back and wait like on a Tarzan movie. Ya never fall anyway, but your gut could sense the innate danger increase! Humming lines that pull your arm hairs some, and those that work them; get a lot of respect from moi! Younger and dumber i've crawled by them feeling the sweat on my back tingle...
But; i think the industry needs to move forward (both in practice and philosophy)and realize that they are dealing with a living thing. And that being the case are altering a dynamic, responding situation; even extending to long term. i've had this discussion several times while working in close proximity to several different (different cities, contractors etc.) clearance crews. We never saw one that climbed with spikes around power lines; not climb with them when they were working the off side/away from lines(why not work that first, kick off spurs and work rest?), a tree away from the lines totally etc. (even won a bet about it once't). Let alone, any that tried a 'hybrid' / mix of strategies; like laddering, bucketing, rope climbing or just 'tree climbing' the Natural scaffolding of the tree itself etc. (up the first 30' etc.). Nor did any kinda try to 'cat claw' it (?-that is how i used to think about it when wearing while trying to do minimal damage; as i became a convert) by just spiking when i had to, and wearing but not digging them in elsewise (like i could retract them inside of paws). From what i could see, if they wore'em, they dug 'em in. i've worked with some of these climbers in nearby trees, even in same tree, not near any lines etc.; none ever claimed i wasn't pulling my (fly) weight; that i'm aware of. Before climbing some even made fun of my krabs, colored lines, brain bucket, earplugs, no spikes etc.; and my response was all ways the same. i started stuttering, blinking eyes, making snorting noise occasionally, tripping over feets, get a funny twitch in neck, set extra lines, make sure last one in tree etc. i guess they just held me in fear, but anyway at the end of the day none complained, though offered plenty of targets.
IMLHO, if one was concerned and just making a well rounded decision for a specialized task; one would keep that decision to that specialized task, and not let it run over to all else. Perhaps that is just projection; in that i used to just free climb, then was taught saddle and spikes as the refined, intelligent way. Then as i began to see differently, i forced myself to make the gradual change by hip thrusting, laddering etc. the first 30' or so, and found on some trees that brings one to a fair amount of Natural scaffolding, or hip thrust rest etc. If one doesn't take advantage of those times they can grow in that direction, they don't seem to be interested. If crews tried not to spike that first 30' they'd even call less attention to themselves, for this, as well as minimize damage etc.
Maybe some that speak hear, are already to that point, and i applaud that. But, still hear, i think we might be able to split the hair further (to be able to look more at real intent etc.); and not ask how a clearance climber climbs near lines; but rather how does one climb when not near lines? If one can do both well, and then decides for this job, this part of the job, that they as the man on point, make that decision, contrary to what their usual practice would be; i can respect that. On that trys to use that as cover for not L-earning to climb without, i kinda don't think they are totally in the right.
Personally, i found, that i L-earned enough more about my ropes by climbing without spikes to warrant it! i could use my ropes then better to rig, climb, tie down etc.! When i was making the change, i would climb 'easy' removals without spikes etc. In time, except for some blocking out etc. it was just how i preferred to work, but; even before that, i took target on how i wanted to expand myself purposefully. Then took every opportunity to exercise in that direction. Even the difference weight wise etc. between light spikes and no spikes at the end of many 10hr. daze is immense (sumtimes).
i urge any that don't push themselves in this direction to mastery, to do so; for the trees, and themselves! This skillset is a very powerfully tooled one. i think it should be 'bought'(into) enthusiastically, like getting a Porty and overusing (exercising use of purpose-fully) until it can be intelligently chosen, quickly deployed at the proper times. Like a different gun on the master gunfighter's belt that (s)he can quickly draw and take out targets cleanly and confident-ally (but i run that line on chit on the kids knowing different ways to solve math problems etc. all the time).
Ummmmmmm sorry, i'll get off my soap box now, starting to get a nosebleed anyway, not used to being this tall.