You can take a 5-gallon bucket and fill it with about 4 1/2 gallons of water. Put a layer of oats floating on top of the water (not rolled oats, but the whole grains) Leave a board walkway from the woodpile to the bucket. The mice will jump right into the bucket after the oats, not realizing that there's water underneath. I have killed dozens of mice this way.
If you do put out poison, you'd be best to put it into a bait station so that only really small critters can get to the poison. Make sure that you secure the station to a wall, heavy board, etc so that a cat or dog can't tip it over and spill the poison out. Something like this would work great for mice:
Be sure to check the station(s) every morning and add more pellets if they're all gone. It can take more than one feeding to kill rodents.
I bought a larger bait station for rats that were eating more feed than my chickens in the coop. I put the paraffinized pellets and once they got over their fear of something new in their surroundings, they ate nothing but the poison. It took over a week of putting out two packages of pellets every day, but it finally got rid of all of them.