Midwest A.S. get together

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Originally posted by woodsjunkie

Too bad some of the others can't make it Oh well I guess every thing runs well on paper.

I may try to have a get togeather hear in Ohio in the near future.

Eric; Anyone in particular in mind or just everyone who doesnt get to Dave's get together. Quite the public relations coup, no?
On a side note, I got a real kick out of the deal with MM.  I'd driven out to the eastern half of PA this past spring to DD's get-together in part to meet him, after he'd talked about being there.  Then he doesn't show up; saying, in part, something about guns being there and he didn't want to be a part of anything like that.

Then he goes out west, shoots guns at the get-together, and complains that some didn't show up...

This one up in Michigan might be too far for me this time, but just in case, anybody going that way from near Indy?

Glen, you mean that sometimes what is given as a reason might only be an excuse? Shucks I thought AS was one big fellowhip where complete honesty was a given! That is why I was so shocked at Erics thinly veiled suggestion of prevarication on someones part. Hope he fills us in; shame to see so many branded.
Originally posted by Crofter
Dave that is not too long a jaunt across the border for me. I'm getting a little low on B.S. and would like to take in another chainsaw get together. The weather should still be nice then.
Frank I think you maybe reading things into what I am saying here. I'm not as bright as you and you big words. No, I wasn’t getting at anyone person in particular. should I be frank? Seems you want me to name names.
Any how All I was saying is that is too bad that more of the forum member can't make it. Its always nice to meet and shot the BS with other woodticks…..I will be looking forward to meeting you again and talking chains.
Glens, In MM defense he never said he was going to Dave’s.
How far is it for you to Toledo we could meet up their and ride
I would love to go. I could even pick up Crofter in the Soo and bombard him with conservative thought the whole way to Daves. problem is its the middle of Hunting season and I am a bit behind on my firewood this year as well.
Another thing. Why is it that there is so much posturing, behind the scenes bs, and under handed crap that pops up everytime someone throws a GTG? Frankly this is getting out of hand.
Eric you're too modest! If you indeed were not taking a shot at someone, I apologise.
I have had PMs back and forth with Dave since that post of mine you quote. Have told him I wont know much ahead of time if I can make it. Hope it is a fun time.

I went to Dan's in the spring, had a BALL. Went to Erics house over ther summer to deliver a log stand I built, other A/S members were there and we had an impromptu GTG, had a ball. I didn't have the fastest equipment at either showing and it didn't matter. The fact is that the behind the scenes bickering will kill the GTG's. I hope someone has another one within driving distance (it was 495 miles to Erics house).
Originally posted by glens
On a side note, I got a real kick out of the deal with MM.  I'd driven out to the eastern half of PA this past spring to DD's get-together in part to meet him, after he'd talked about being there.  Then he doesn't show up; saying, in part, something about guns being there and he didn't want to be a part of anything like that.

Then he goes out west, shoots guns at the get-together, and complains that some didn't show up...


Your right Glands, If your were to read Dan mentioned that he would have his Colt in his back pocket. Shucks I was giving the fellas a little shooting lesson. Not everyone can hammer a crow a 65yards with a scattergun. I didn't get a chance to weigh Cahoons gun but in my hands it checked in at about 7# 4ozs.

Then again with all the back talking about Cliff Hesel and EJ coming in to town to put everyone to shame I just figured why bother. Then again they never showed either. Figures, talk to Dan about that BS and get back to me.

Your judged by the company you keep.
Originally posted by woodsjunkie
How far is it for you to Toledo we could meet up their and ride

Thanks, but Toledo's a bit out of the way for me.  A quick look at the map makes me think I'd take I-65 up to Lake Michigan and swing around it up towards Grand Rapids.

We've been over it already, Mark.  Remember?  You've got to admit that from my perspective the big picture's a little humorous.

Your judged by the company you keep.

Good thing I'm a loner!

Barky, I too, have to take exception to your signature. Why would you want to be associated with the likes of this crew?
Aggressive posting

Alright guys, let`s cut the nonsense of wolfpacking and aggressive posting. This isn`t a private forum where we have different levels of membership privileges for certain members or where open hostility is acceptable.

Those of you who have been following this thread will no doubt recognize where I have pruned, the rest of you don`t need to see it.

I keep a record of what needs to be removed and who the poster is. If a pattern develops showing that any poster doesn`t play well with others, that person eventually gets booted. I`ve previously contacted some of you offline and I want this post to serve as a notice to everyone that we are cleaning things up here at the Chainsaw forum.

Hey Glens, Now do you remember telling us about going to Oroville. My memory's a little better than you think! joe
Sorry, Russ, but I've got to take a chance here.

Joe said if he'd remembered correctly, I'd said I might go to Oroville.

I suggested that was not true.

The Big Dutchman jumped in and said he remembered it too.

I suggested a search.

Joe returned with the goods.

I saw the thread at that point (and still have the window open with the page as it was) just before I went to bed.  I figured I'd get back today on it 'cause it was after midnight and I was tired and it didn't warrant the effort then.

Joe, I'm humbled.  I didn't have a clue that your memory was so good.  Nor yours, BD.  You guys must have been lurking for quite some time if you "remember" something I said six months ago; well before either of you had registered.

The place where I "uttered" the words "If I go to Oroville, and I just might, it won't be to..." is http://www.arboristsite.com/showthread.php?postid=159937#post159937.

Technically, that statement <i>did</i> raise from zero percent the possibility of me attending.&nbsp; In context, however, that was not its primary meaning.&nbsp; Read that thread for a bit before that post to see how it all fits together.

At any rate, I hereby stand corrected.&nbsp; You guys got memories like prescient elephants!

Hey Joe, do you happen to remember what it was I did wrong dating Kathy Owens back in 8th grade?&nbsp; I was wondering about that the other day.&nbsp; Her daddy was quite wealthy and things might have gone some different for me if I'd only not screwed up.

Calling me "glans" is pretty juvenile, BTW.

I'm glad you can admitt when your wrong Glens, but remember this, screw with the devils and you get the horn! LOL
Cliff Hesel and EJ coming in to town to put everyone to shame I just figured why bother

I wonder who started that juicy tidbit and why?

I'd like to know also Ben

I just remember Dan making mention that EJ was on his way down and turned around. Maybe he knew something we didn't. I hope it all goes well out at Dave's. I am sure someone here will be coming home with Walley the singing bass award. If it was a little earlier in the month I would have at least tried, now that the bucks are looking for those hot does I am more focussed on bow season than a saw fest this month.
I was talking to Ed and Ed said that he, Jarod and NB Logger are going to make a surprise visit.
I'll also be there, but I'll be disquised as Ken Dunn.
Joe and Big Dutchman have IP's the same as some other banned members. Sorry, but ya'll have to come up with some new names. When will you get the hint? Glens, this is why they have such good memories.