Bump...The PayPal address to send gifts for the drawing is: [email protected]
Bump...The PayPal address to send gifts for the drawing is: [email protected]
new total 2410
Just made it $2500.01!! Threw in a penny for good luck.
Terry said in his signature 11am is the cut off.
Just PayPal-ed one more for a good cause. How about some last minute donations to bump it up folks??
Look at the donations rolling in!
Maybe we will make it to $3,000?!?
So, about 260 tickets sold.
Odds of winning one specific prize MBPR
Tickets bought Odds.
1 1 in 260
2 1 in 130
3 1 in 87
4 1 in 65
5 1 in 52
6 1 in 43
7 1 in 37
8 1 in 32
9 1 in 29
10 1 in 26
15 1 in 17
50 1 in 5
Good job Scott. I was wandering what they were. I'll rep ya when I can.