i hate Mistletoe because of the local devastation i have seen; it spreads for a couple of blocks it seems; spread by gravity, wind, birds, squirrels etc. the parasite sits into the bark, sticking with 'krazy glue' strength and spreads 'roots' under the bark for 1-2'. In shaving any roots not cut, can resprout, so cutting 1-2' feet off a limb with the mistletoe is advised to prevent reformation. Locally it seems to favour our Water Oaks. The US Forestry Service once reported that more lumber trees where lost to mistletoe than any other source, natural or artificial. It is a worldwide spread parasite, coming in a dwarf species for conifers.
i believe the Florel only serves to abort the female blossums, if sprayed in winter, covering the plant; so it is a control strategy, not cure. i think it takes about 2 seasons after shaving or spraying for the plant to recoup it's reproductive capability after being sprayed or shaved.
The parasite sucks up water and nutrients meant for the branch past it. It takes the water etc. first to suit itself, so this is very devastating in a drought. Branches can become dilapidated and fall off, leaving in the tree a devastated branch hanging down mostly, looking mottled/'bubbly' in it's wood with a charachteristic knob on the end; looking rather rude.....
Even though there are mistletoe wines, folk cures; some breeds especially the berries are toxic/fatal to especially small children and pets; so Christmas mistletoe will have plastic berries. Making that a selling point and reponsibility. Easily seen this time of year; making it easier to catch before blooming/spreading berries in spring here shortly.
Light starvation is the only cure i'd heard of (except amputation); one test showed it took 3 years wrapped in burlap and black plastic to affect the starvation; that is one tough competitor! You're supposed to make sure that the plastic etc., doesn't force the formation of a 'wet spot' on the wood, subject to rot and infestation. That'd be a good trick in this humid climate over the course of 3 years IMLHO! That paint trick kinda sounds slick thar Guy!