Butch(OH) said:You mental geniuses have foegotten sumthen. How the flock (joke there boys) are you goen to mix the oil with fuel,, huh?? I dont think that the magic super syn oils mix with air???
spacemule said:I wonder which would work better, Leghorns or Rhode Island Reds.
sawinredneck said:Why not just build youre own capacator, little duct tape and some aluminum foil wraped in layers, good to go. I think another piston on the bar at the bottom near the sprocket, just to give it that extra pull when needed.
bump_r said:You weren't even going to warn him about the required eliptical phasing, were you? Ifv he's already got the primary in the nose, the secondary has to be phased just-so. It's all covered in the Jennings book.