OK, I'm hooked.
I had three oaks to do today. The first two were straight up and straight down, pruning a few limbs. I used my brand new Pantin, my brand new handled ascender and my brand new Distal hitch. I did, however, on the first and second tree, use the DDrt, because that is what I'm used to and I didn't want to worry with changing over from the SRT. I even left the ascender as a backup just in case.
On the last tree, I hit a great tie in point at about 50'. I decided to try the SRT. I got going, Pantin up, grab rope, step up and advance the ascender. I'm thinking "Man if there were just something to gr......" DUH! Once I used the HANDLED ascender to pull up along with the Pantin, I flew! I must have covered the last 30' in about 2 minutes!
Well, changing over to my climbing line was no big deal, I moved throughout the tree like normal. I walked a couple limbs and found the reason this setup is so great. Moving back to the trunk was smooth and controlled.
I do have a couple more questions. It took a while to get used to seeing the hitch spread when loaded. I guess that's normal? Also, I happened across the anchor bend. This is, by standard, one of the acceptable life support knots, right? I had to ditch my snap link because it rest right at the Distal. I used a bowline and a biner today, but I'd like a little more room. What do you guys use to connect to the saddle?
I guess I messed up with the pictures - The difference I saw was the knot was facing different directions. No matter, I'm happy with the hitch.
Thanks so much for all your help!