Ms 200t

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ArboristSite Operative
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Syracuse, NY
I dunno, I used to use 020 AVs with Bartlett, and I loved 'em. Dropped one from about 30 feet once (after I suddenly happed upon a raven's nest). Didn't seem to affect it any. Great saw.

Bought the new 200t, which I like, but what's up with the new oil caps? Spilt I dunno how much oil all over everything when I first used it, and I still do once in a while. What's up with these new caps??? I can't seem to fasten them right. I don't like them.

Ooops, meant to post as a reply to NY Saw Boss's thread, but I goofed up. Thanks for posting that thread, Butch. Seems the consensus is FOR the new caps, but I guess I'm just either thick-headed, or I just don't adapt to change well -- been guilty of both .

Anyway, I'm all for the TOTAL Black in Black. Also, I guess I gotta come up with a new Butch vs. flash post on yore message board. :)

what i cant work out is why the petrol cap doesn't mess up the same as the oil cap when they're both the same design
have no probs with the oil filler cap if you do not fill to the max and before clicking cap shut tilt saw to one side to counter the air lock,works for me every time
I've finally gotten used to em, but it's heck on the new guys. Which winds up being heck on the old guys when the cap comes off. I always double check after a groundie services mine.
Its not the caps at all its operator error. When you go to put the cap back on and its not lined up but you twist it thinking its on then you spill oil every where then can't get the cap on that is because you have to hold the cap by bottom and twist the top back counter clockwise. If you put the cap on correctly it will stay on. Just be careful. Don't be such a hurry. As for the oil cap being the one to mess up more is because its bit more sticky because of the tacky oil inside the twisting part of the cap. These caps are great in my book. Haven't had to replace on yet unlike the old caps that would get holes in them.
I have no sympathy for those who cant get it together enough upstairs to master the simple motor skills required to open and close the new Stihl caps. I like them they, solved the problem of overtightening of the caps, probabaly some of those same guys who find difficulty in the new design.
Large Black Walnut prune and small takedown today. Lots of "motor skills" involved in the task. Nonetheless, oil cap came off twice. Had to launder my oil-soaked rope in the "big boy" front loader. $2.75. About $100 more than that STOOPID oil cap is worth! I will get the best of the oil cap. I'm going down cellar and practice putting the oil cap and taking it off on over and over until I get it. A hundred times if I have to.
It is simple hydraulics, if the tank gets to full the cap will not seat properly, fill a little under the lockring on thetank. Also the cap itself can move to the clockwise before it gets put on the tank, again bad. Hope that helps.
The caps are the least of my complaints. Who engineered the new muffler? I'd like a few moments alone with him and a propane torch.:angry: