MS231 is my coil dead?

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New Member
Jun 26, 2021
Reaction score
Hi Guru's,
Scored a 2016 MS231 (for free) that was run on straight gas/petrol and took out the cylinder and piston.
The rest of the saw is in real good condition. Purchased a Famertec cylinder/piston kit and installed that without issue.
Just got to the point of doing a test fire and found there is no spark! After a few hours of testing the coil, wiring, reading the parts manual and watching several videos.......
I'm unsure if the coil is bad. Resistance readings are: 283.1 k ohm on the primary, 2.01 k ohm between secondary and earth and 284.7 k ohm between secondary and primary windings.
If the readings were from my 024, 026 or 036 I'd be tossing the coil. Apparently there are differences between the early 231 and later 231 coils.
Can anyone confirm that my resistance readings are correct? And, could anyone tell me the differences between the early and late coils?
Resistance readings don't mean a lot with modern electronically controlled coils. If the magnets on the fly wheel are good, the gap is correct, the coil & cylinder are earthed together & the kill wire is unlpugged you should get spark with a known good plug (that doesn't necessarily mean the timing is correct though). If you have spark then (outside the cylinder) open the gap a bit... a good coil should spark across a gap about twice the size. If it doesn’t try closing the plug gap a bit, if it only sparks then (or not at all) coil is shot