MS290 or MS361 which will he buy?

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I had about the same decision to make a month ago. My neighbor's 30" cottonwood blew down in the canal in front of my property. He was out of work and said no way was he going to pay someone to remove it. So he goes out in his canoe and starts removing small limbs with a bowsaw. I take some mercy on him and winch it with my Jeep and break off larger branches and buzz them up with my little 018, leaving the larger limbs and trunk mostly submerged. Jump ahead 2 months and it's still in the canal. Still in front of my property.

Always looking for an opportunity to justify new tools, knowing the 018 just wasn't the right one for the job, I started looking for something bigger. I was hoping for something with a 25" bar, but wasn't going to spend over $500. Was looking at the 390 and the 290, finally went with the 290 and the 20" bar for about $400 (yea the free case measured in my decision).

Fired up the Jeep again and started cutting and winching the thing onto dry land one large branch at a time, working in chest waders the whole time. By now the bark was totally loose and all fell off as we got it to shore. That slimy cambrium layer stunk to high heaven. I bucked to to 16", and the neighbor actually got someone to take it for free by putting it on Craig's List. Not my kind of firewood, couldn't pay me to take it.
Well I was busy at work and almost forgot to call but I remembered. Dealer said he bought 290, the dude just couldnt swallow the price of 361. I was hoping for 361 ,you guys that picked 290 are pretty good. Thanks:)
Well I was busy at work and almost forgot to call but I remembered. Dealer said he bought 290, the dude just couldnt swallow the price of 361. I was hoping for 361 ,you guys that picked 290 are pretty good. Thanks:)
I knew a piker when I saw one.
If he's broke and squeaks when he walks, he'll buy the 290. If he's got some dough and has same common sense, he'll buy the 361. You gave him the right advice--the same advice that SawTroll, WindThrown, Snelling, Oily Jim, and a dozen others gave me.

Not everybody accepts good advice. Common sense is not so common. :(

361 was the advice I got, loved it but after a month the 460 seemed like a much more attractive saw...
The 361 isn't $250 better. It won't cut that much faster and to average guy it's a waste of money in comparison. A 290 will last most people a lifetime, so a pro built saw isn't necessary.
The 361 isn't $250 better. It won't cut that much faster and to average guy it's a waste of money in comparison. A 290 will last most people a lifetime, so a pro built saw isn't necessary.
Peacock, that statement worries me. My Mac 610 already ran away from a Stihl MS 029 with an 18" bar ten years ago bucking big 24" dia. cottonwood. So, you are saying that my new MS 361 won't beat my 1978 Mac 610 today?
Just curious. :dizzy:
Peacock, that statement worries me. My Mac 610 already ran away from a Stihl MS 029 with an 18" bar ten years ago bucking big 24" dia. cottonwood. So, you are saying that my new MS 361 won't beat my 1978 Mac 610 today?
Just curious. :dizzy:

No, I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that to the average person the 361 doesn't cut $250 better.
No, I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that to the average person the 361 doesn't cut $250 better.

Yep, and the price made the guy's decision in this case.

I also see some here acting stupid like Troll, when they know the 290 can serve the needs of a firewood cutter without breaking the bank. Times are ruff and keeping more money in your pocket helps. Get a grip fellers.:dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy:
Well, at least he wasn't choosing between a Wild Thing and a MS170. If he gives a :censored: about the carry case, he probably won't appreciate the power/weight ratio of the 361 and will surely go with the lower price of the 290
I can see where hes comin from. I dont have money to buy either. But if I needed a good quality saw I would look at the 290 just for monitary reasons.:)
I was in Sears the other day buying my wife a new washer and dryer - the current ones were hers when we got married 14 years ago and they are starting to act up a bit.

While I was waiting for the employees to get the new ones from the warehouse I saw a couple looking at Craftsman chainsaws for a long time and no one was helping them. I went over to talk to them and they were looking for the saws that were on sale. I couldn't help myself......I explained that I didn't work there....but I did know a lot about chainsaws. I gave them directions to the two nearest Stihl dealers. If they couldn't get any good help in purchasing a saw......I really didn't want to see them buy a saw that would probably be even harder to get serviced.
I get the whole, you get what you pay for line from some of you all here that use your saws to make a living or supplement your income from selling wood, clearing trees, etc. I get it. But I just bought a 290, and love it so far, and yes I would have loved to have gotten a better saw like the 361, but when you have exactly 400.00 in your pocket, your cheap poulan crapped out on you and it's getting cold outside... you get the best you can AFFORD. That doesn't make you a piker, or squeak when you walk.
I respect the opinions of you all as you have FAR more know how and experience than I may ever have, but some of you are bordering on snobbery.
I mean, just because I drive a newer f 150, should I bust your balls because you haul wood in a 95 s-10? No.
I get the whole, you get what you pay for line from some of you all here that use your saws to make a living or supplement your income from selling wood, clearing trees, etc. I get it. But I just bought a 290, and love it so far, and yes I would have loved to have gotten a better saw like the 361, but when you have exactly 400.00 in your pocket, your cheap poulan crapped out on you and it's getting cold outside... you get the best you can AFFORD. That doesn't make you a piker, or squeak when you walk.
I respect the opinions of you all as you have FAR more know how and experience than I may ever have, but some of you are bordering on snobbery.
I mean, just because I drive a newer f 150, should I bust your balls because you haul wood in a 95 s-10? No.
VC, I get it. In my book, the piker is a guy who has the $, but is too cheap to spend it. He functions under the motto: Save a buck; call a tow truck.

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