MS461 Giveaway Saw Build Thread

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It a .58 in the 461 I think Wiggs.

That was a different saw Mike......he sold it and had me do another one in "Extra Spicy" condition.

yup. stupid stihl. i replaced mine with a .70 before i gave it to randy. as randy stated with the bigger jet youre less out and give you more head room on the high side.

picked up this titbit from wiggz.
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Jets: (not all are available in all countries)
.46 = 1121 121 5601
.52 = 1121 121 5602
.56 = 1120 121 5600
.61 = 1123 121 5601
.62 = 1122 121 5603
.64 = 1122 121 5604
.66 = 1128 121 5605
.68 = 1128 121 5603
.70 = 1128 121 5602 (installed in my MS460)
.72 = 1122 121 5602
.74 = 1122 121 5607 (installed in my 066)
.76 = 1128 121 5604
.88 = 1124 121 5609
1.04 = 1124 121 5604

Carburetors with fully adjustable fuel mixture screws:
044/046/MS440/MS460 = 1128 120 0624 with .70 jet
064/066/MS650/MS660 = 1122 120 0621 with .64 jet

Dual port muffler covers:
044/046/MS440/MS460 = 1128 140 0801
064/066/MS650/MS660 = 1122 140 0800

for the lazy folks. :p
Fantastic, trully fantastic. Hats off to you Master Randy.
But arent you affraid that stihl is gonna see it and build stock saws like u do now?
Doesn't placing transfer/exchaust in spin setup increase power but also burn ratio? Ergo engine create less fumes. - or am I being an idiot again?

Yes, sorry for my english.
I wrote that and friend called so i posted that without fixing.
When transferrs aren't placed in front of others but moved to the side by few degrees inside cylinder so when fule mix enters the chamber it is spining like vortex.Fuel is better mixed and burns more efficiently.
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Doesn't placing transfer/exchaust in spin setup increase power but also burn ratio? Ergo engine create less fumes. - or am I being an idiot again?
Question for pro - Randy where did you get that mesh screen? Equipment sotre?
It seems i used too closed one and it gets plugged after little work.
Ther're from the government and they are here to HELP!
That's why you'll never see stock saws run like Randy's or the other modders.
Doesn't placing transfer/exchaust in spin setup increase power but also burn ratio? Ergo engine create less fumes. - or am I being an idiot again?
Question for pro - Randy where did you get that mesh screen? Equipment sotre?
It seems i used too closed one and it gets plugged after little work.

I ain't got a clue what you are asking. Is English a second language for you?
I got a few chances for my own self......I'd love to own a Mooberized 461. :D

You've probably done enough now that you told each customer they needed a new part. You do that everytime but a different part each time and eventually have enough parts to build your own. I know how you work :D
Let me think......

Let me think......


No GFY? No reported? Yer slip'n randy. No need to think, just report me and life will go on. I need me a masterminded saw too by the way. You should start a new program like all the drug dealers have. First ones always free. :) i'd be all over that.
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