Acquired this saw through a trade and will be used for bucking large oak mostly...I realize it's a bit large and heavy for this application, but it's what I have.
How aggressive can I go on my rakers? 30, 40, 50thou?
Read about 6° raker "progressive depth gauges" & FOP (Carlton File-O-Plate).
Old threads by BobL & Philbert
.. Are FOP really progressive depth raker generators?
If you don't find I'll lookup links.
Below is a very helpful recommendation. Easiest solution.
Sierra99 (AS, 2010) -- An old but good thread. It turns out that if you divide the gullet length by 10, you get the required raker depth to produce a 5.7 degree angle.
For example, a new chain with 0.25" gullet, divide by 10 you get a raker depth of 0.025", the "standard", that yields a good 5.7 degree angle.
If the gullet is 0.40" long, dividing by 10 gives you a raker depth of 0.040" (for the same 5.7 degree angle).
Try these links
Edit... more.
Didn't answer your question. Right. Ms880 will pull huge. Just that at some point is dangerous & may damage bar rails or chain.
Read what Philbert references in old post. Good info on chain cutting action & wear effects.
Google -- Carlton Safety & Maintenance
CarltonSafetyMaintManual_EN.pdf / English download]
Okay, so no one biting. I'll just add angle targets are simply trigonometry (math).
1 in 10, divide by 10 is 5 71°, so, double that 1 in 5, divide by 5 is 11.31°. BobL made mention of milling certain species at 10° high angle. Recall saying the kerf wave (cutter separating from rail could be read in the wood).
So if 10° is a practical limit, multiply by 0.1763 [as = Tan(10°)].
.. new 0.250 gullet, 0.044" height gauge
.. worn 0.400 gullet, 0.070" height gauge.
Angle determination is independent of chain size. Only rise/run across gullet opening but chain style & wood species will respond uniquely. Good luck. This is the mathematical view not experience. Suggests starting at .040" not grossly extreme, about 10°. Then, can file & restore back to higher gauge height based on feedback.