Muffler mods?

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ArboristSite Operative
Dec 6, 2004
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Shenandoah Pa.
Hey guys, I have a MS361, 200t and a 460 that I have broken in and would like some advise and pictures on muffler mods or replacements.
Thanks in advance,
TonyG said:
Hey guys, I have a MS361, 200t and a 460 that I have broken in and would like some advise and pictures on muffler mods or replacements.
Thanks in advance,
Stihl has a hi-performance exhaust casing for the 460. I will post the P/N tomorrow from work.
Simonizer said:
Stihl has a hi-performance exhaust casing for the 460. I will post the P/N tomorrow from work.

Are you talking about the dual port front cover? If so, the P/N is 1128 140 0801. I like it, and have it on my 044, 440, and 460. It looks nice, works well, is warrantee friendly, is bolt on, and cheap. Remember that you only have to buy the front cover, and not the whole muffler. Do a search on here for "046 (or 460) muffler mod" or "dual port" and you'll get some reading. There was a thread that had a pic of a 440/460 dual port front cover installed if you haven't seen one.

And here's a thread in which I posted a pic of my 361's ported muffler from Dean at Washington Hot Saws. (Site sponsor.) I love it as well. It's like a whole different saw opened up. It's kinda tough to tell in the photo, but it's got a deflector on it that pushes exhaust forward away from your hand.

Nothing like a modded muffler - bang for the buck it gives a nice boost to things without breaking the bank...
Tony here is a link to the 036 I opened the muffler on, and I am glad it helped the saw alot. There are a few photo's as well. Opened up muffler
best go slow on opening up your muffler, you can always go larger.
start with no more than 3/4 volume or smaller of exhaust port.

note you must adj fuel mixture after opening up exhaust
Also note that you need the tool to take the limiter caps off before you can adjust it rich enough unless maybe you're at a real high elevation.
Did you have good results with the power, and it it too loud? I have a 338 cali that I opened up with great results. I opened it up after the saw was broken in. I have a brand new 200T that I would like to do the same as yours. My question is can you open up a new saw or wait for it to "break in". And how do you know if the carb is set rich enough?
Hope you guy that are opening up the mufflers and gaining all these gobs of power are not forgetting to wear your ear plugs.Sounds like if all these saws have all this extra power in them waiting to be unleashed that the saw companys are leting there consumers down.You would think that the companys with there no how and resourses would be turning out there saws with no holds bared.Let them rip.I think all the models of saws reguardless of manufacter have to many models.Engine cubs to close to gether.There are only need for 3 engine sizes,would cover 99 percent of saw needs.If there is that much more power in them,as clamed then the companys should be able to produce the same thing for the same price as they are chargeing for the reg saw.But then they would not have any thing to sell the nexted year for model or performance.What do you think.
have you ever heard of the EPA? some states even have decibel levels for small engines the manufacturer's need to abide by.

any other questions i can help you with?
Well guess I cant complain if things were any better I couldt stand it.Lifes been good.Good wife ,4 grand kids everyones healthy.Woods all cut and drying.Getting ready for winter.And the deer hunt .Meat for the freezer.bills all paid.Yes life is good.Weather been relly nice.In about 3 weeks she be time to start burning wood for heat for the house and the shop.
Hello again Ken.Got your p m.Sorry for not reply on your message board,still learing on the compu.Now if this was a chain saw things would be different.Anyways I know about e.p.a.AND YES BEEN PLAY WITH SAWS FOR 40 +years and yes I can make em sing a pritty tone also.But no body likes to listin to a loud saw all day.At lest not around my area.So we looked for other ways to get performance.As one member here on the forum said a saws only as fast as the sharpest chain and whats between the ears of the operater.A big dull saw is not as fast as a sharp small saw.I do not race saws.Besides I dont no many people that carry a stop watch in there pocket to see how fast they can fell a tree and block it up.A few seconds faster isnt worth going deaf over lol.To each his own as the saying goes.No for me performance means good gas economy, oil ecno,sharp chains and good square guide bars,equal good inexpensive reliable performance and prodution.Thanks for the friendly ear my friend.Don.
I would love to have that part number!

Simonizer said:
Stihl has a hi-performance exhaust casing for the 460. I will post the P/N tomorrow from work.

I opened my 460 a little bit, and it helped, a little bit. Atleast it has some sound to it now. Sticking the "factory" performance can on there would be the nice thing to do with a new saw that I have only used a dozen times so far. :cool: