You guys shouldn't be so hard on Woodcutter TV.
Actually, I kind'a like havin' him around... ... ... ... It's people like him that keep me from lookin' bad all the time!
I gotta admit - I can't help liking the guy either. He's a bit like Spacemule with his fiery personality, but with a fun side and a sense of humor, and he isn't afraid to make fun of himself. The last few pages of this thread shows that he's not such a bad guy after all. Hey, us Southern Illinois guys gotta stick together.
(Hey Woodcutter TV - can I borrow $50 now??):biggrin:
The majority of what you wrote was what's called an "appeal to authority", an arrogant statement that because you're a "Master" that no one is qualified to argue with you.
The rest is an attempt to rephrase the position you took in your first post, which was that transporting the pest is irrelevant, and to pretend you're doing something beneficial by burning it. Obviously if you are transporting from one place that is infested to another place that is infested it makes no difference. Equally obviously, if you are transporting it to a place that isn't infested you risk spreading it faster.
Your contributions in burning the EAB in your stove are as effective as pissing in the ocean. The EAB will spread to the limits of its habitable range in time anyway, but if you transport it out of the currently infested area you may be accelerating that process.
Master Gardener programs are a great idea, but 11 classes and some volunteer work hardly make you the voice of authority nor justify your reckless behavior.
I like it in the woodwork see what you guys come up with.
I like it in the woodwork see what you guys come up with.
Some one correct me if wrong on this:
Tis better to remain silent and seem a fool than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt
-Abraham Lincoln-
But it is already too late for you woodcutter, all doubt has been thrown out
Did you get the chain to turn on that 028AV? Was it worth the money? Talk about something useful.
Did you get the chain to turn on that 028AV? Was it worth the money? Talk about something useful.
Try and stay on topic here. This is not about me, this is about the beetles.otstir:
I can see the headlines now
"Escaped mental patient seeks refuge in Aboristsite forums, believes he is a cyborg sent back in time to terminate beetles"
I'm sorry, just go on if you do,
but really, this OP here is trolling you aroud like in a horror B movie.
I mean, it's not even trying to wear camo. He leaves phrases like baits waiting for more attention.
If you enjoy his game, hell, why not, but if you think he is downright pathetic, ignore this super expert in tai-chi beetle quack.
You guys shouldn't be so hard on Woodcutter TV.
Actually, I kind'a like havin' him around... ... ... ... It's people like him that keep me from lookin' bad all the time!