Tree Machine
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Oak leaves. The old timers say when the oak leaves are as big as a mouse's ear. Year after year I have found that to be true. I also write the date of the first find and compare it year to year. It rarely varies more than three days either side of the projected date, which for me in Indianapolis Indiana is April 17 for the black morels, 10 days later for the whites.
In total agreement with JP on looking for them at the base of elms, especially dead elms. However, they pop up wherever they darn well please.
Here's some growing up out of gravel at the edge of someone's driveway. -TM-
Oak leaves. The old timers say when the oak leaves are as big as a mouse's ear. Year after year I have found that to be true. I also write the date of the first find and compare it year to year. It rarely varies more than three days either side of the projected date, which for me in Indianapolis Indiana is April 17 for the black morels, 10 days later for the whites.
In total agreement with JP on looking for them at the base of elms, especially dead elms. However, they pop up wherever they darn well please.
Here's some growing up out of gravel at the edge of someone's driveway. -TM-