My 025 on ebay, Thanks guys

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buck futter

ArboristSite Guru
May 29, 2005
Reaction score
at home
Well thanks to the aboristsite and some of its members I have graduated from my 025 and decided place it on ebay for someone to enjoy it. There are a few members I would specifically like to thank. First, I would like thank simon for his expert craftsmanship and for providing a cosmetic touch that will assist in provide a top notch resale price. John "Mr.perfection" Lambert for investing his valuable hours of research and developement into a elite race chain that he ended up sacrificing to me for a mere $200. (Don't worry John you're technology is safe with me.;) Russ, thank you truly are a stand up guy, with out your step by step direction I never would have been able to do such a clean muffler mod, take a look, and be proud that's all thanks to you. Fish, your maglev technology bar system not only saved weight but I believe may have decreased my timed cuts. Ken, that stealth pull cord handle looks factory but as soon as you touch it you know that you really hooked me up with only chargeing me 30 bucks to ship it to my door, I only wish I had the extra 20 to get the authentic king of the forest autographed model.

Thanks to all you that have helped me along the way, I am certain that someone will be very happy with her. I am still contemplating inscribing on the handle so the new owner will know who to thank.

Well here you guys go, here is my baby.

Thanks guys,

what the hell happened to that thing !!! did it ride in the back of your truck for the last 15 years !!
At least you're honest.

Some Ebayers would say "untested" or "may need to be adjusted for your area".;)
I gave my old 025 away as a parts saw a couple years ago. It was in great shape other than the crank seal leaking which prevented the saw from idling down low enough. If the new owner had used it a couple times and then tossed it in the mud behind the shed it would probably look exactly like that saw by now.

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