My 028 and thanks

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ArboristSite Lurker
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Here are a few photos of the 028 I got from my father in law that I posted about a few weeks ago. After a new bar, sprocket, and carb cleaning the saw runs like a champ. Thanks to everyone who posted back on my original thread and I hope to see how she cuts this weekend.


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I must tell off on myself. When I first fired up the saw I left the bar and chain off so I could be double sure the oiler was working. It fired up at idle and I was stoked! However, every time I would hit wide open throttle it was bogging real bad. After two carb ajustments my brain finally kicked in and I released the chain brake.:dizzy: Ran fine after that.
musher said:
Is it just me, or did the resizing effort on those photos go just a bit too far? What I'm seeing is about the size of a smilie :)

Them there pics is a mights small to me too. I wear glasses and coulda swore I hadem on and them pics still be small. He got a 028 though, he got a good saw, can't beat them old 28's.
hillbillycycles said:
Hmmm, when I pull up the post the photos are still very large. Let me see if this will be better.



Post them as attachments.. Right now you are just showing thumbnails for some reason..
real good looking saw. prettier than most of mine. for a saw to be pretty to me
it needs to perform well, be durable,and not always be throwing curves at me
that i have to take time an figure the problem. 026 fits that category. so far,, as well as my 028 use to.