Found this on craigslist tonight. 272xp. Not running but appears to have lots of compression. Very reasonably priced, previous owner thought it didn't have spark. The 28" bar will go on my 288xp, and this one will get a 24" bar.
what's the general consensus on these? I picked up a 288xp a few weeks ago and love it. Currently no 70cc saws in my collection. Next size up would be my stihl 460.
A month ago the only husky I had was a dirtbike! Hopefully more huskies are to come my way.

what's the general consensus on these? I picked up a 288xp a few weeks ago and love it. Currently no 70cc saws in my collection. Next size up would be my stihl 460.
A month ago the only husky I had was a dirtbike! Hopefully more huskies are to come my way.