My buddy just got screwed!!!!

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I do not know this dealer in the least but I have to logically give the benefit of the doubt.

Anyone in this business can tell you hundreds of stories that sound very much like this one.

As stated the Husky 50 needed a bar and chain as they were completly trashed this tells me the saw had sat for very likely a long period of time.

The mentioned need for just a "simple" carb adjustment was quite likely anything BUT simple. I myself do not use gasoline stabilizer due to the fact that if the storage time window is exceeded by much, the stablizer itself along with the old fuel mix becomes the very devil in passage clogging goo and hard green varnish.

I had one customer years ago that insisted that I was wrong and would use stabilizer in his rarely used chiansaws at his vacation home. One day dropped off a saw that was three years old and looked like it had only been used once (it had) with the complaint that it would sart but not stay running. I tried to clear the carb with cleaner through the needle holes but the carb would not respond. Upon disassembly of the carberator I found green gel with green varnish deposits from one end to the other. I called him and told him he should considr a new carb but he refused to spend the 65 dollars. It took me longer to clean the carb than the cost of the new carb and when he came to pick up the saw he SCREAMED it COULDN'T be old gas I use stayBILL!
My reply was here is your repairBILL! I cut him a break and he accused me of ripping him off.

If the dealer were questioned I could very well be he would explain that the carburetor was indeed very much plugged up and it took longer than would be expected to perform what seemed like a simple repair.

If on the other hand the dealer does admit that it was a simple clean up and bar/chain swap and carb adjustment it is a rather pricey one and I would recommend seeking a different repair person.

Who Allowed Lawyers to Post on this site?

Since they charge about $10-15 per minute for a phone call we should charge the same per sentence in a post.:rock:
New MS360

Sooooo, my buddy was looking for a good mid sized saw. I told him to gimme a few days and I'd find one for him. Impatient as all get out, he just spent $400 on a used MS360. I couldn't believe it. I bout fell over. He was happy as all get out. Said he saved $400 on it. I didn't have the heart to tell him that you can buy a brand new one for just over $500. Is this really what they're going for now? A used 360 for 400 bucks???? Isn't that a little high? Hell I only paid 400 for my 044 and the thing didn't have 12 hours on it. ****, you can get a 372 for 400... And that's a wholeeeeeeee lot more saw than a 360 is. 360 is a great saw, don't get me wrong...:bang:
ciscoguy01 said:
Sooooo, my buddy was looking for a good mid sized saw. I told him to gimme a few days and I'd find one for him. Impatient as all get out, he just spent $400 on a used MS360. I couldn't believe it. I bout fell over. He was happy as all get out. Said he saved $400 on it. I didn't have the heart to tell him that you can buy a brand new one for just over $500. Is this really what they're going for now? A used 360 for 400 bucks???? Isn't that a little high? Hell I only paid 400 for my 044 and the thing didn't have 12 hours on it. ****, you can get a 372 for 400... And that's a wholeeeeeeee lot more saw than a 360 is. 360 is a great saw, don't get me wrong...:bang:
Tell your buddy I got a mint 170 that I will let him have for say.......$399 :buttkick:
Freakingstang said:
I'll buy your 170 if you sell me a 440 for 199.99....
So that would be 600 for both and you pay freight :hmm3grin2orange:
Man just think your buddy could have had this chromed limited edition poulan for $50 with a like new bar and SAFETY chain. :hmm3grin2orange:
Just to let you know I am just yanking the chain. A few here have no sense of humor when I am just joking around. You only live once so open up and live.
Hope all works out for you and your buddies husky 50, good saw, but got alittle much in it.
Cut4fun said:
Man just think your buddy could have had this chromed limited edition poulan for $50 with a like new bar and SAFETY chain. :hmm3grin2orange:
Just to let you know I am just yanking the chain. A few here have no sense of humor when I am just joking around. You only live once so open up and live.
Hope all works out for you and your buddies husky 50, good saw, but got alittle much in it.
That there is a genuine FLW fishing chainsaw, wooooooooooweeeeeee
every boat should have one.:censored:
Just Mow said:
That there is a genuine FLW fishing chainsaw, wooooooooooweeeeeee
every boat should have one.:censored:
Darn, never thought of that. All this time fighting a tree getting my fishing lure out of the branches. Pull boat into bank and fire up saw, no problem. Grrrrr now I know. :biggrinbounce2:

Cut4fun said:
Man just think your buddy could have had this chromed limited edition poulan for $50 with a like new bar and SAFETY chain. :hmm3grin2orange:
Just to let you know I am just yanking the chain. A few here have no sense of humor when I am just joking around. You only live once so open up and live.
Hope all works out for you and your buddies husky 50, good saw, but got alittle much in it.

I'll take 2 please. These are bound to worth a few thousand in the next 5 - 10 yrs. :cheers: If he wasn't such a good guy I'da told him, but I just didn't have the heart. Ya know how that is.:cry:
ciscoguy01 said:
Sooooo, my buddy was looking for a good mid sized saw. I told him to gimme a few days and I'd find one for him. Impatient as all get out, he just spent $400 on a used MS360. I couldn't believe it. I bout fell over. He was happy as all get out. Said he saved $400 on it. I didn't have the heart to tell him that you can buy a brand new one for just over $500. Is this really what they're going for now? A used 360 for 400 bucks???? Isn't that a little high? Hell I only paid 400 for my 044 and the thing didn't have 12 hours on it. ****, you can get a 372 for 400... And that's a wholeeeeeeee lot more saw than a 360 is. 360 is a great saw, don't get me wrong...:bang:

That's what we get for them (in nice shape) when we resell though the store... (with a warranty). No lack of buyers so the market determines the price... Pro's buy them from us (in a heat beat) close to that price if it's a low time homeowner saw.
Stihl here said:
computeruseer,I like your point in getting help can be an investment. I would of never said those words years ago,I probably would of laughed at those words actually. Strange how your thinking changes as you grow up. My oldman's favorite saying was "those who think they know it all have alot to learn".I use to roll my eyes after he told me that as a kid. Now I seem to think of him whenever a argument,conflict happens. I must say though, My image of an attorney isn't one holding a chainsaw!! lol, That blew my image, It also shows not to judge a book buy its cover!!!

Same here...only my old man said "Fool me once, shame on you ; fool me twice, shame on me." (I cleaned it up a bit )
Big Woody said:
Who Allowed Lawyers to Post on this site?

Since they charge about $10-15 per minute for a phone call we should charge the same per sentence in a post.:rock:

HA! If only I could get away with charging $10/minute for phone calls...then I'd have more fun saws listed in my signature than I do now.
I was wrong

Lakeside53 said:
That's what we get for them (in nice shape) when we resell though the store... (with a warranty). No lack of buyers so the market determines the price... Pro's buy them from us (in a heat beat) close to that price if it's a low time homeowner saw.

Yea man, I talked to him today again. It's $500 with the shipping and all. I got nothin' to say. The words won't come to me... :buttkick:
ciscoguy01 said:
Yea man, I talked to him today again. It's $500 with the shipping and all. I got nothin' to say. The words won't come to me... :buttkick:

oohhh... That's a tad high..:hmm3grin2orange: Sure hope it doesn't need a new chain...

Look on the bright side - at least he can't blame you for finding him a pos saw!!! :cheers:
Tis true

Lakeside53 said:
oohhh... That's a tad high..:hmm3grin2orange: Sure hope it doesn't need a new chain...

Look on the bright side - at least he can't blame you for finding him a pos saw!!! :cheers:

Now were there ever 360Pro's that cost $800??? He told me the Pro was why it was so expensive...:confused:
ciscoguy01 said:
Now were there ever 360Pro's that cost $800??? He told me the Pro was why it was so expensive...:confused:

brand new about $550 out here with a 20 inch bar... I'd be very happy to sell the pro sticker for another $250; might even consider a discount :biggrinbounce2:
Lakeside53 said:
brand new about $550 out here with a 20 inch bar... I'd be very happy to sell the pro sticker for another $250; might even consider a discount :biggrinbounce2:
