My Macs and my Homey

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May 11, 2003
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NW Indiana
Since MacDaddy had to post a pic of his 'new' Homelite 2100, I thought I'd put up another pic of mine plus my two Mac 125s. The Mac standing is a Super Pro 125, the other is a CP125. The Homelite bar I got from Washington Hotsaws. No chain, because I'm afraid I'll go broke buying one. :cry:

Chris B.

P.S. If you look carefully, you'll see my dog standing in the background, staring at who knows what.
You could always but a 25 foot roll and make a chain or two. It would be alot cheaper then getting one premade at the dealer.
cbfarmall said:
Since MacDaddy had to post a pic of his 'new' Homelite 2100, I thought I'd put up another pic of mine plus my two Mac 125s. The Mac standing is a Super Pro 125, the other is a CP125. The Homelite bar I got from Washington Hotsaws. No chain, because I'm afraid I'll go broke buying one. :cry:

Chris B.

Yes the big bars certainly give those big grunty Mac and Homies the "WoW" Factor as i have my SP125c suspendered from the roof of my workshop and like yourself haven't a chain on it yet the local dealer here is collecting together some old 404 pitch chain to put together a loop for me. If that fails then i have a few loops of 3/8 second hand so i'll get a loop of it put together and on the saw for my displays.

Actually if you buy the chain and spin it yourself,it isn't too bad.If you don't know the driver count,just buy it by the foot and and cut it to length.The one in the picture was about $32.[143 links ,.404]
CB Nice Looking Mutt

Good looking dog in that pic :Eye: shows up very small though...what is the breed, age etc.
Al Smith said:
Actually if you buy the chain and spin it yourself,it isn't too bad.If you don't know the driver count,just buy it by the foot and and cut it to length.The one in the picture was about $32.[143 links ,.404]

I'm kidding about not being able to afford it. I just don't want to buy a chain for a bar I'll never use.

Chris B.
16gauge said:
Good looking dog in that pic :Eye: shows up very small though...what is the breed, age etc.

She shows up small because she is small. Name is Josey. Purebred Papillon (french for 'butterfly--look at the ears), about 7 1/2 years old, 7.5 lbs. Smart as a firecracker, and fast. Right now she's staring at me while I'm eating pizza, typing this message out.

Chris B.
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Great Picture! 7 and 1/2 years is still young in this day of better feed, vitamins and vaccines. I hope you have many happy years with this animal.