My new Husqvarna 359 is stuck!

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The top of the piston shows a track of at least one of the clips from the transfer area to the exhaust.

Check inside the muffler can with a small magnet as they can stick inside the can.

The only question I would have is how deep is the groove that goes from the top of the transfer inlet to the transfer port outlet just to the left of the bump apparently made by the pin catching the top of the transfer port inlet.

(seen in the second pic)

The picture could very well be making it look worse than it is.

umm those tracks were made by the guy as he stated, not by the clips as you state.
You ought to contact Husky about this. It's obvious that saw has been hardly used at all. They should stand behind this.

I agree! Especually if the clips were never there:dizzy: It's they're fault if that's the case.
I told you what the problem was! Thread #14.HUsky is good for doing that.It's not the first time i've seen it.There quality control really sucks.:dizzy:

Not to nitpick, but, didn't he say the ring was catching the port?:buttkick: (And yes I realize the pin would've been a problem eventually!)

Anyways, I would say to replace the nonexistent clips, dress the port and try it. With the warranty horror stories about new saws lately I wouldn't imagine much help on a 2 1/2 year old saw.
Even if they were, they should have never come off!

Usually if they are there from the factory,they don't come off.I have seen many huskys where they haven't been installed at all.Most clips that come off are aftermarket failures.Husky needs to keep a better handle on the installation of they're clips.:dizzy:
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I a way, he's lucky they weren't there.Or the damage would have been much worst.:)

Here is another view....


The pits are the porousity in the el-cheapo casting. All new(ish) 359 jugs have them.

I try to give all manufacturers a fair shake, but Husqvarna has seriously gone downhill. Their saw offerings and QC as of late are an embarassment. This thread should be stickied to warn all new comers and old time fans to STAY AWAY FROM HUSKY! Take your saw back, tell the dealer you want a refund, not a new saw. Go anything but a Husky!
Thanks again for all of the thoughts here guys, I really appreciate your help.

I WILL be calling Husky in the morning about this, and I'll keep you posted on their response.

In the meantime, while I have this saw apart, are there any (easy or bolt on) mods or updates I can do to the saw before I put it back together?

Thanks again....:clap:
One more thing....

I think I need to clear something up here that I only figured out just recently myself. (Yes, I'm THAT slow!)

The piston-ring did not get stuck on a port inside the jug as I had initially thought... The wrist-pin slid over when the saw was stopped with the piston at the bottom of it's travel. The "catch" as shown above in the green circle was made from the wrist-pin catching on the port, not the ring.

This is why I had trouble getting the jug off the piston during disassembly. The wrist pin had created this "catch" as we tried to restart the saw, which was below the piston-ring when I went to disassemble the saw. That's what the piston hung up on.

I'm going to push on Husky to give me two new C-Clips, a new base-gasket AND a new jug as a "worst case" scenerio.

Best case scenerio would be a brand new saw. (Yea....RIGHT!)
I am appalled at the statements on quality control of husky saws.
I have seen issues in all the other saws equal to this topic. I have
not had any trouble out of my husky's but they are pro models!
The 359 was not designed for pro use and it shows just like 290
and other home saws. My 372XP and the XP means something to
me has not had any issues other than normal wear which means, a
coil is all I have bought for it in five heavy use years.