My stacks are in a sad state

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Nov 17, 2010
Reaction score
On the Cedar in Northeast Iowa
I've ignored them for near a year now. Some are leaning hard, some have done the "S" thing, and some have been partially robbed for the fire pit. Last season I burned way more than I cut and I haven't even pulled the saw out'a the case this year yet. I got myself way ahead... and then got lazy... shame on me. Last year, after filling the basement, I had like 15, maybe 16 cord in reserve... ended up dipping into that this spring because of the long azz winter, and then I haven't even bothered to cut fire pit wood this summer. Now it's time to start filling the basement again, I'll be lucky to have 10 cord left in reserve after that... and that's only if I get my lazy azz out there and cut some standing-dead for the basement.

Anyway, figurin' on moving 3 cord oak, 2 cord hard maple and about 1½ cord of "lesser" mix in... it's a sad state of affairs to see the reserve shrinking away. I guess I'd better walk the woodlot after the branches go bare and pick-out a couple big oak for January felling (this is where I take the deep breath).

On the bright side... a friend of mine approached me the other day. He owns a auto repair, towing and miscellaneous medium-heavy equipment business. Seems he bought some rural wooded property he's planning to build on, and has been cleaning it up. He asked me if I'd be interested in some wood, and I asked him if he knew what kind of wood it was. Well he answered with, "I don't know one tree from another, but I've got probably enough cut into firewood length to fill my dump truck 3 or 4 times, and I need to haul it out so I can keep clearing the lot. I'll fill the truck with my loader and dump it wherever you want."

I told him he could dump it anywhere, as long as he don't block the drive... ;) Just how bad can free, cut and delivered firewood be anyway??
Free 26" blocked up firewood for your 24" firebox LOL

Yeah, I wondered about that, but when he said, "...cut into firewood length..." he did sort'a hold his hands out and do a sliding 16-22 inch thing, so I'm thinkin' I'm good. Of course, his varied lengths won't make pretty stacks like mine... but I can always stack it behind the others so it can't be seen. L O L !!

Chances are, knowing the woodlots 'round here, and figurin' he'll keep the big trees for shade (likely oaks and Cottonwood), it will be a mix of elm, cherry, Hackberry, ash, soft and hard maples, and, of course, Box Elder. I'm just hopin' the Box Elder percentage won't be too high. But hey, other guys claim to burn Box Elder without the sky fallin'... and I reckon the DAKA won't care... just sort'a goes against my "wood snob" attitude don't ya' know?
So get your lazy azz out there and get to work. :D

I keep about a year ahead, we only burn about 4 cords a year in the fireplace insert. It heats quite a bit of the house and keeps the oil bill low. I have about 9 cords seasoned.

Fall and winter are what I consider the firewood processing seasons because of the cooler temps and NO FRIKIN DEER FLIES OR BUFFALO GNATS. Can't stand to sweat w/o good reason and absolutely hate those biting insects. It turns out I'm about 2+ cords into this year's effort and haven't even started yet.
OK, we all have those previously posted images burnt into our minds of your pristine, laser level, how-on-earth-did-he-do-that stacks. So how 'bout some pics of the current stack conditions to prove that you really are human...I mean, there are theorys,...what with that avatar and all...hmmm, that gets me to thinking, a giant pulsating brain, seeming expert level knowledge of any and all subjects...I'll be back, I gotta go make a call! :hmm3grin2orange:
OK, we all have those previously posted images burnt into our minds of your pristine, laser level, how-on-earth-did-he-do-that stacks. So how 'bout some pics of the current stack conditions to prove that you really are human...I mean, there are theorys,...what with that avatar and all...hmmm, that gets me to thinking, a giant pulsating brain, seeming expert level knowledge of any and all subjects...I'll be back, I gotta go make a call! :hmm3grin2orange:

I'll save you the call, we're already aware of his presence here on earth and were tracking him carefully. He has regular check-ins too, plus some other measures I can't go into on a public forum.

If is wasn't for his sad sad backstory we'd have kicked him out a long time ago.:D

Mr. HE:cool:
Well come to think of it, he did seem to be lacking in carbon based fusion techniques in his Damnit thread yesterday, that doesn't seem right!? Everbody knows "they" have far surpassed our carbon based fusion...and we can never forget last winter, when he played up the whole "I can't get my carbon fueled combustor to properly heat my earth dwelling"
Maybe "they" left him here...on purpose, if they ban their flunkys to earth, that would explain the attitude against higher learning! I dunno what to think now...maybe he's just tryin to throw us off his trail...:D :laugh: :hmm3grin2orange:

Monday morning edit: and did you see what he did with his DAKA install yesterday, that's proof positive!!!
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I've ignored them for near a year now. Some are leaning hard, some have done the "S" thing, and some have been partially robbed for the fire pit. Last season I burned way more than I cut and I haven't even pulled the saw out'a the case this year yet. I got myself way ahead... and then got lazy... shame on me. Last year, after filling the basement, I had like 15, maybe 16 cord in reserve... ended up dipping into that this spring because of the long azz winter, and then I haven't even bothered to cut fire pit wood this summer. Now it's time to start filling the basement again, I'll be lucky to have 10 cord left in reserve after that... and that's only if I get my lazy azz out there and cut some standing-dead for the basement.

Anyway, figurin' on moving 3 cord oak, 2 cord hard maple and about 1½ cord of "lesser" mix in... it's a sad state of affairs to see the reserve shrinking away. I guess I'd better walk the woodlot after the branches go bare and pick-out a couple big oak for January felling (this is where I take the deep breath).

On the bright side... a friend of mine approached me the other day. He owns a auto repair, towing and miscellaneous medium-heavy equipment business. Seems he bought some rural wooded property he's planning to build on, and has been cleaning it up. He asked me if I'd be interested in some wood, and I asked him if he knew what kind of wood it was. Well he answered with, "I don't know one tree from another, but I've got probably enough cut into firewood length to fill my dump truck 3 or 4 times, and I need to haul it out so I can keep clearing the lot. I'll fill the truck with my loader and dump it wherever you want."

I told him he could dump it anywhere, as long as he don't block the drive... ;) Just how bad can free, cut and delivered firewood be anyway??

I stack mine so they are leaning against something. Use big rounds to build a wall to hold the ends of the ricks. Odd thing is those sstacks never stop "working". One big pile of Locust (about 10 cord) finally blew out both ends last year, toppled those big walls of rounds right over. I see signs of another one due to do the same thing - stack abut 12 years old.

Harry K
Pics as promised.

In this first shot you can see the stack still look pretty darn good from the road.


And from the back they still don't look all that bad... except for the missing stack burned late winter into the long cold-azz spring, and the other stack heavily robbed for fire pit wood.


But this one has started to lean at one end...


This one is leaning full length...


And I have no idea why this one ain't fallen over yet.

Definitely leaning hard to the left. Put that one in the basement:) Or just re stack it. You do have a reputation to uphold! Maybe there is an organization out there like AA for firewood stackers. You could join for a while and find out the root cause of your stacking downfall (no pun intended) and get things corrected before things go to far. You are (were) our stacking hero!:) Seriously, your crooked stacks still look better than mine. Guess thats not much of a consolation for you but, just sayin. I am sure you'll get things straightened out (again no pun intended) eventually:)
Definitely leaning hard to the left. Put that one in the basement:) Or just re stack it. You do have a reputation to uphold!

That stack in the last picture (the one that should have fallen already) is 2-cord hard maple, over 2-years seasoned, and it is going in the basement this fall. The third picture is 2-cord oak, over 3-years seasoned, and it's also going in the basement. But that stack in the forth, it's about a cord of hard maple that's ready, and a cord of oak that likely could benefit from one more year... conundrum.

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