i cleaned the frction washers too as they put the force on the dogs when they come out.
up to this point i was doing good. then a major case of stupid set in. when i put the cup on i did give it a push and twisted back and forth til it felt seated. put on the washer and nut and proceeded to tighten by hand with a socket and ratchet. it snugged up but didn't get tight so i cranked some more. i should have stopped when i heard this tinkling sound coming from the flywheel. i thought it was the rope piston stop or something but.... at any rate after a few more turns and more crinkling sounds a piece fell on the bench. i had broken the cup by not having the indents on the cup lined up with the bosses for pulling the flywheel...doh. here's a few pics of my carnage and a plea for one of these cups so i can continue to enjoy this old saw, which is about the only one i can start these days. thanks