Need parts for Homelite XL-1

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Jan 1, 2005
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I need a few parts for a Homelite xl-1, specifically a clutch cover, (65131-15) a clutch shoe (69461) and a muffler cap. (68253-1). There is a cover cheap on E-bay but he won't ship to Canada. The clutch shoe might be a part common for the xl-12, here is a picture with dimensions. The muffler cap is the small stamped piece with the vent holes that screws onto the end of the muffler. Will pay a reasonable price plus shipping, or offer for trade Homelite xl-1, xl-2, pioneer 1200a or husky 50 parts.
Fish, if you could bid on it that would be great. The item number is 4356448605, go 7.01 as a max bid, this would leave a reasonable total once you figure in two shipping charges and exchange. I could then mail you payment or transfer funds on line.

Sorry, someone wants it pretty bad, my $7.01 did not even go on.
I will look around, I sold a running ez not to long ago cheap, I might find some
others in the heap.
Thanks for bidding Fish, I left you a PM. Updating the parts hunt, I found a clutch shoe, so Mike if you could find a cap that would be two parts down and one to go.