need some info to sell softwood to hardheads

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jerry wayne

ArboristSite Operative
Feb 22, 2007
Reaction score
london K.Y.
I got alott of soft wood givin to me from a tree guy ......didnt realize he had dumped about 60% soft wood in my yard.Any how ... is there somekind of factsheet that shows that burning some softwoods is not a bad thing.These people almost believe its the devil himself .....the stuff is good and dry. Spit 6 months ago and drying in the driest summer on record . $80 cord delivered soft.....$185 h/w.....$135 50/50 mix......Ohhhh, finally called the tree guy and left him a message to knock it off with all the soft stuff or meet Mr. Smith& Wessen ! Already asked once nicely and he dumped on me again:angry2:
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I got alott of soft wood givin to me from a tree guy ......didnt realize he had dumped about 60% soft wood in my yard.Any how ... is there somekind of factsheet that shows that burning some softwoods is not a bad thing.These people almost believe its the devil himself .....the stuff is good and dry. Spit 6 months ago and drying in the driest summer on record . $80 cord delivered soft.....$185 h/w.....$135 50/50 mix......Ohhhh, finally called the tree guy and left him a message to knock it off with all the soft stuff or meet Mr. Smith& Wessen ! Already asked once nicely and he dumped on me again:angry2:

I don't sell it but I know what you mean people are very prejudice against softer woods. I had a guy I worked with said he would only burn oak (more for me). This is from the sticky thread up top
I got alott of soft wood givin to me from a tree guy ......didnt realize he had dumped about 60% soft wood in my yard.Any how ... is there somekind of factsheet that shows that burning some softwoods is not a bad thing.These people almost believe its the devil himself .....the stuff is good and dry. Spit 6 months ago and drying in the driest summer on record . $80 cord delivered soft.....$185 h/w.....$135 50/50 mix......Ohhhh, finally called the tree guy and left him a message to knock it off with all the soft stuff or meet Mr. Smith& Wessen ! Already asked once nicely and he dumped on me again:angry2:

what kind of soft wood?

pine and other types of wood have gotten a bad name for some reason. i find nothing wrong with burning pine, and i've burnt willow and poplar many times.

i don't think you'll ever convince people to accept soft woods, unless your price is ridiculously low. i found the ones who speak the worst about soft woods are the ones asking high prices for hardwoods.
I sure wish I could get a tree guy to dump wood in my yard (even if it was softwood).

If it is pine wood you're talking about, it's going to be awfully hard to talk people into buying it. There are just too many myths and legends out there about it being bad.

Other types of softwood should be easier to sell if you can find a document that lists btu value by pound, as all wood more or less has the same btu/pound rating. Then if you calculate how much your cords weigh and sell for, you can show them they are getting more btu for their money with the softwood.
geez.... 2/3 of firewood is softwoods over here (white birch, pine and spruce) yet all will be burnt... only downside in pine/spruce (and other sappy wood in that matter) is that the sap pops when it burns, but otherwise its ok firewood....
I burn alot of eastern cottonwood, pine and silver maple in the early fall and late spring and I really like it because I tend to cook myself out of the house with ash, hackberry, elm, mullberry and other better wood when it just takes a short hot fire to warm up the place
There was a thread on here a couple months ago about the size of a cord. In that thread was a link to a website that had a great chart of weight per cord and btu value. Also difficulty of splitting.

not till after the Chrismas holiday season is over anyway...

dont seem right to shoot a guy bringin me Christmas trees this time of year MERRRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL... but after new year----------watchout
Softwood is great wood. Alot less ashes to clean in the stove. I burn mixed wood in my wood boiler.I must get the water up to a temperature of about 120F (infloor heating).If the temperature is over 140F, it goes through a mixing valve to mix with the returning water. So if I use all hardwood , the water temperature will be way higher than 140F because of the BTU's from hardwood and mix in the mixing valve.I consider this waste heat (boiler is in my garage)When I use softwood (mostly black spruce) the boiler rarely gets over 140F so no waste heat.The softwood burns alot quicker , but it is a cleaner burn and is worth it for the price difference compared to hardwood if you buy. Anyone with a heating system like mine would really know what I mean.
Here in the Northern Rocky Mountains of Montana softwood is all we have to use/burn. Our "softwood" forests are pine and fir. Favored conifers for burning are lodgepole and Douglas Fir due to their relatively (for what's available) high btu content. Western Larch is also a favorite but typically occurs only west of the Continental Divide. Cottonwood and aspen (other softwoods) are burned but because of low btu and high ash not a favorite. Folks using woodstoves with catalytic combustors generally have much less creosote buildup from burning pine/fir (creosote being the reason folks who have access to hardwoods have such a bias against pines).
Get a zip-tie machine and split that softwood!!! Take a 16" tire (without the rim)
lay it flat, now stand the firewood sticks up inside the tire, softwood/hardwood mix, then zip-tie or pallet-wrap them together.
My 12 year old daughter helps me do 10 to 20 of these per weekend and SHE sells them as "CAMPWOOD". $3 to $5 each bundle
Summertime they use it in fire-pits and 'deck heaters', in the winter they burn it while out ice fishing.

There is always a market somewhere if you're not too busy . . .