Funny you should say that John Have a look at this little beauty.Its good for all sorts of Palms that drop berry size fruit.In Ekkas nightmares people will start to fit these to their Palms rather than letting him slay them ( Ekka :bang: ):hmm3grin2orange:
Wow it's hard to tell whether one of them things up your tree would be an eye saw or not. It'd depend on the price whether people would buy them. Even with the nets though it doesn't take care of the bat problem. You think bird ???? on ya car is bad? You should see what bat ???? does..
John the nets are able to control the spread the bat crap the super glue like substance is then caught in the net with the fruit.Asthetically speaking after a while no one notices them people are just glad that it is controlling the mess.
John,Im from Gladstone in Qld.Yeah you are right cant stop them crapping away from the tree but while they are feeding in the tree the net catches it and the other berries that they displace