Mill 'em, nails be damned.
You called? Waddayawant, I'm busy online felling.
Haha funnyYou called? Waddayawant,
That's just living room cutting at its finestYou called? Waddayawant, I'm busy online felling.
If no one is throwing barbs at us, we aren't getting anywhere, just as rebuffs are rungs on the ladder to success.Hard to believe that little barb sank so deep that you can't shake it off.
Just because you are miserable, doesn't mean you need to inflict it on the rest of us.
Barbless hooks?Plenty of fish with their mouth open.
Ya, it's all catch and release here now Bitzer, but it's open season on buffalo here. Go figure!Don't they have to use those by law in Canada?
Randy, you ain't a biker, your not a logger, your a big fat *** that can't get out of his own way. Pius, you have the personality of a toilet seat. *** you and the Muckaluck you road in on.Hard to believe that little barb sank so deep that you can't shake it off.
Just because you are miserable, doesn't mean you need to inflict it on the rest of us.
That's you! You are the one that had your mouth open and got hooked, are you not?Plenty of fish with their mouth open.
Biker Logger Randy, what a dweeb.That's you! You are the one that had their mouth open and got hooked, are you not?
You want to get down and talk brass tacks since you ... well couldn't shake the hook.
Bring all your north Cali so called fallers on here and you will get the fact that there are levels to this game. I will make you guys look like Cali Valley girls in compression to a a BC WCF.
I hope you guys ablige, it may be good for the forum category
Biker Logger Randy, what a dweeb.
Not until one of you ask me what I was using for a lure.or disappear into the abyss
Johnny, here's one for you.
Couple of Western Canadians on this page that would remember this one from the mid 80' "The rodeo song" this one is a classic.